Southeast Asia's Clean Energy Transition

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Paris has just hosted what was billed as the most sustainable Olympics in history. Can Indonesia or India make credible bids to host a green Games in 2036?
Vietnam’s recent opening up of its green power market won industry plaudits, but such reforms have been slow to materialise in the region. Eco-Business examines where firms may find procuring renewables easy, tricky, or nigh on impossible.
The new decree is seen as the latter of two policy moves needed to jumpstart the country’s clean energy market. New funding is already flowing, but concerns remain as to whether Vietnam’s power grid can handle more renewables.
Entrepreneur Steve Melhuish tells the EB Podcast where the biggest opportunities to reduce emissions and make money are in Southeast Asia, and why finding the right economic incentives is critical for climate tech startups.
Increased consumption of the pollutive fossil fuel comes despite high-profile commitments and international aid to scale back coal dependence. The latest data from energy think tank Ember reveals the struggle both countries face amid rising energy demand to fuel growing economies.
Just as Malaysia commits to phase out coal power locally, the role of a government-owned development bank in financing arrangements of the Song Hau 2 coal plant in Vietnam has raised concerns about how this might jeopardise its neighbour’s decarbonisation aid package and undermine climate goals.
Indonesia has hatched a plan to reduce emissions from its coal-powered nickel trade amid growing scrutiny of its downstreaming policy. Environmentalists worry that the plan glosses over the impact of the booming trade on forests, biodiversity and local communities.
Singapore's largest telco is set to levy an internal carbon fee on a wider range of projects following earlier shadow pricing trials. Sustainability chief Aileen Tan tells Eco-Business going green faster is a business imperative.
Hartono, who runs the Indonesian chamber of commerce's decarbonisation unit and the world's largest carbon project, says achieving net zero without carbon credits in his country is like trying to fly to the moon in the 19th century.
A wind energy trade association aims to educate its members on offshore turbines' biodiversity impacts in the Philippines, along with strategies to maintain the sector's social license amidst the country's clean energy expansion.
Wind and solar expansion in the archipelago could mean renewables targets are met, but it has also worried environmentalists. A proposed wind farm in the Masungi Georeserve in Rizal province could impact up to a thousand hectares of karst landscape.
Adopting renewables and electricity imports adds to security concerns posed by global gas market volatility. Investors’ cold shoulder towards fossil energy could also threaten the longevity of Singapore’s gas plants, analysts say.
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