Mausam Budhathoki is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, currently working on the OLAMUR project, which evaluates life cycle assessments of integrating wind farms with low trophic aquaculture systems. Mausam Budhathoki is in the final stage of completing his Ph.D. at the Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, United Kingdom. He also holds an MSc in Food Studies from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark, and an MSc in Public Health from the University of East London, United Kingdom. As a Marie Curie ITN Early-Stage Researcher/PhD student under Eatfish project, Mausam adopted a multidisciplinary approach to study societal perceptions of aquaculture and the Chinese aquatic food market. Mausam's graduate and postdoc research focuses on aligning sustainable food production and consumption practices with policies and management strategies to support long-term environmental and socio-economic goals.