Jaci Brown

Jaci is a senior research scientist within the Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research (CAWCR), A partnership between CSIRO and the Bureau of Meteorology. Her main area of study is tropical climate and oceanography. Her research is based around understanding El Nino Southern Oscillation and climate change with over 30 published papers/reports to date.

Jaci's research extends across fields of coral bleaching, tuna habitats, regional climate change, Australian and Pacific Island climate, large scale ocean dynamics and high resolution ocean modelling.

Recently Jaci was part of the Pacific Climate Change Science Program - delivering climate change information to Pacific Islanders.(www.pacificclimatechangescience.org)

Prior to working at the CSIRO Jaclyn was a Postdoctoral Associate at Yale University. Her PhD and Undergraduate degree were undertaken at the University of New South Wales in Mathematics where she was awarded the University Medal.

Jaci has worked as a TV Weather presenter on the Tasmanian ABC Nightly News and The Weather Channel. She now volunteers on 7RPH Print Radio Tasmania.

Jaci is passionate about supporting women in science and runs the Women's Forum at CSIRO in Hobart

Outside of work, Jaci is Mum to 5 year old triplets.

By Jaci Brown

29 Maret 2016

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