Huw Slater

Research and projects manager

Huw Slater is research and projects manager at China Carbon Forum (CCF), a Beijing-based platform that holds events and discussions on specific topics regarding China and climate change.

In addition to managing CCF’s regular events on low-carbon topics in Beijing, he works on CCF’s research projects and produces the regular CCF Insights research notes. Huw has been based in Beijing since 2011, first working with Chinese NGO Institute for Environment and Development on climate change adaptation policy in China, and then researching Chinese carbon markets. Previously Huw has worked with an Australian National University (ANU) research team and the World Bank, reporting on Climate Change and Fiscal Policy as part of the APEC Finance Ministers’ Policy Initiatives of 2008. Huw has a Master of Asia Pacific Studies and a Master of Climate Change from Australian National University.

By Huw Slater

3 Januari 2018

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