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Eco-Business is a multimedia content site. An independent media and business intelligence company, all of the content featured or displayed on the website including text, graphics, photographs, images, video, sounds and illustrations, excluding clearly labelled third-party material, is owned by Eco-Business.

We are glad that you want to share our stuff. To comply with copyright, you are responsible for obtaining permission before reusing any copyrighted material that is available on the website. Please could you kindly contact the editorial team at Eco-Business at: and follow the guidelines below on how to share our content.

Social sharing

If you would like to share our content via social media and want to get our attention, please use the following social media handles and hashtags (#ecobusinesscom):

Republishing guidelines, for print and online

  • Once you have been granted permission to publish, at the start/end of the article, please add this: This was published with permission from Eco-Business. See the original article here (with a hyperlink to the story on the Eco-Business website).
  • You can’t edit our material, except to reflect relative changes in time, location and editorial style, (for example, “yesterday” can be changed to “last week,” and “London, UK.” to “London” or “here”, and “organisation” to “organization”). If you do wish to make material edits, you will need to run them by the author for approval prior to publication. You can contact the editorial team at Eco-Business at:
  • You have to credit authors and Eco-Business, ideally in the byline as [writer’s name, Eco-Business].
  • You have to credit Eco-Business and include a link back to either our home page or the article URL . Our preference is a credit at the top of the article and that you include our logo (available below). You must include original links embedded in the story.
  • You can’t sell our material separately, but it’s OK to put our articles on pages with ads. Please do not republish Eco-Business stories behind paywalls that require readers to pay in order to view.
  • You have to confirm you’re licensed to republish images in our articles. Pay attention to photo permissions – you are responsible for ensuring you have legitimate permission for each image you use. If a photo in the original piece is credited as belonging to either Eco-Business or the author of the piece you are republishing, you have permission to use the photo, unchanged, with the same caption/credit as used in the original piece. If an image is copyright of another photographer or illustrator and you would like to reproduce it, contact us. Some sources don’t allow their images to be republished without permission. You are welcome to omit our images or substitute with your own. Charts and interactive graphics follow the same rules.
  • You can’t systematically republish all our articles, nor frame the content of our site.

Special cases

  • Extracts: you can run the first few lines or paragraphs of the article and then say: “Read the full article on Eco-Business” with a link back to the article.
  • Quotes: you can quote Eco-Business authors provided you include a link back to the article URL.
  • Translations: require Eco-Business approval when seeking permission to republish. As with the text of original Eco-business stories, please do not alter translations except to reflect relative changes in time, location and basic editorial style, as noted above. You can contact the editorial team at Eco-Business at:
  • Edits: if you wish to make material edits, you will need to run them by the Eco-Business editorial team for approval prior to publication. You can contact the editorial team at Eco-Business at:
  • Signed consent / copyright release forms: are not required, providing you have written permission from Eco-Business and are following these guidelines.
  • Print: articles can be published in print under these same rules, with the exception that you do not need to include the links. We would appreciate it if you would send an image of the republished article to
  • Podcast and video: are also covered by these guidelines and the same attribution requirements apply.

Republished and aggregated content

Republishing permissions relate to original Eco-Business material. If you wish to republish third party material, please check the permissions with the original publisher which can be found by following the links back to the source.

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