2024 European Sustainable Packaging Summit

2024 European Sustainable Packaging Summit

The PPWR sets out a comprehensive framework aimed at preventing packaging waste and fostering the re-use and recycling of packaging, which will undoubtedly shake up the European packaging and logistics sector.

From November 28th to 29th, 2024, the “European Sustainable Packaging Summit” hosted by BidWin will be held in Germany. At that time, a number of speakers from the packaging industry will share sustainable packaging practices and explorations, including topics such as recyclable or biodegradable packaging materials, eco-design and technology research and development, green development systems for the whole life cycle of packaging, etc.

Through speeches by experts in the FMCG industry, this high-end summit aims to reduce the impact of packaging on the environment during the entire life cycle from the ecological design level; empower the closed loop of packaging recycling from the technical level; share green and low-carbon packaging and other measures from the practical level, effectively forming a circular economy development model for the packaging industry, and promoting sustainable development of the packaging industry.

Kontak sponsor/pameran

Diana Shen
[javascript protected email address]

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