Latin America has been witnessing increasing pace of investments in high risk industries and growing interest from international markets leading to changes in regulatory frameworks, pricing structures and standardized policies.
The introduction of cleaner fuels and proposed regulations has a direct impact on Health, Safety, Security and Environmental policies, and the scope of the project. With such developments in midst of price uncertainties, there is a need to review the HSSE considerations in the energy sector. Propagating the theme of HSSE & Sustainability strategies in the midst of price pressures, the 4th Annual LatAm HSSE in Energy, scheduled for 2nd & 3rd of December, 2015 in Rio de Janeiro, brings a platform for the Latin American Energy market to discuss and build innovative, effective and flexible HSSE policies and processes.
Industry leaders and government will meet to recognize smart HSSE & Sustainability strategies under price pressures for higher productivity and sustained growth.
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