Certified Sustainability Practitioner Course

Certified Sustainability Practitioner

Our five-day public certified sustainability practitioner course is for managers, academics, consultants and auditors seeking a solid grounding in corporate responsibility, and those seeking to move into the CR field.

It was the first public CR training in the world to be certified by the International Register of Certificated Auditors (IRCA) to its latest training criteria. The certification is now overseen by AccountAbility (read more on the AccountAbility website).

Why attend?

Hundreds of delegates have completed our certified corporate responsibility training since its launch in 2008. Companies who’ve sent staff on the course include BAE Systems, BSI, The Co-operative, Deloitte, Eni, Ernst & Young, Guardian News & Media, Nestlé, Nokia, PwC, RBS, SGS, SK Telecom and Vodafone.

So why should you attend if you are a…

  1. CR or Sustainability Manager
  2. Communications Professional
  3. Procurement Professional
  4. Auditor
  5. Academic
  6. Consultant
  7. Senior Executive
  8. HR or Training Managers

Course details

The course is delivered through a mixture of lectures, practical exercises and small group discussion. Each module includes case studies and exercises based on leading companies. Modules include a brief assessment exercise such as a quiz or practical team exercise to ensure understanding. The course is broken into four modules:

  • Corporate responsibility and sustainability: A general introduction to current issues in corporate social responsibility, sustainability and accountability, and the regulatory context - including the new ISO 26000 international social responsibility standard.
  • Stakeholder engagement: Covers the rationale for stakeholder engagement and how to undertake it successfully. Includes detailed examination of AccountAbility and UNEP stakeholder engagement methodologies.
  • Reporting: Covers the aims and benefits of sustainability reporting and key principles including materiality. Looks closely at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) sustainability reporting guidelines. Review and evaluate a range of company reports.
  • Assurance practitioner training: A two-day module. Covers the principles and procedures of sustainability assurance with reference to the newly revised AA1000 Assurance Standard. Hands-on experience through a team-based assurance exercise

The Trainers - Ms Tracy Oates, Consultant Two Tomorrows UK

This course is conducted in collaboration with Two Tomorrows​ (a DNV company) based in the United Kingdom. The training is delivered by expert practitioners with many years of experience of working and advising on sustainability and CSR programmes for major companies.

Delegates will benefit from their many years of experience across all main industry sectors. They’ll also get the chance to build connections with their peers and exchange ideas and experiences in a relaxed setting.​

The CSAP Programme

Successful completion of the course leads to an AccountAbility-approved certificate. The course fulfils the training requirements to apply for the Associate level of the Certified Sustainability Assurance Practitioner (CSAP) programme. It also contributes significantly towards the requirements of becoming a CSAP or Lead CSAP. For further details on the CSAP programme or the application process, please see the AccountAbility​ website or contact AccountAbility directly.

DNV GL Business Assurance Pte. Ltd.
Joseph Thomas
E-mail joseph.jj.thomas@dnvgl.com
Mobile +65 9663 1749
www.dnvgl.com | http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=72853451&trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile

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Joseph Thomas
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