SESSION 1: Introduction: Curtain Raiser/Exordium
Global Leadership Opening Plenary - Advocating policies directed towards sustainable water management to achieve the SDG 6 for enough safe water and integrated sanitation for all
SESSION 2: Exchange of information: Dialogue and Deliberation by Global Water Leaders
Best Discussing best practices from around the world in Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse for sustainability
SESSION 3: Plans for the future: Way Ahead
Advocating policy frameworks directed towards building infrastructure for Integrated Water Resource Development and Management.
The Global conclave will focus on awareness and knowledge sharing on water-related issues and technologies for the sustainable management of water resources. The conclave is focused on the ideation of sustainable solutions by Global leaders where the industry/government can develop strategies to implement various technologies for better availability.
Furthermore, capacity building of government agencies, financial assistance, and policy information for private players, national and international players who can offer successful case studies to be replicated in Indian conditions will be a part of this conclave. The objective is to find practical solutions to practical problems and the possibilities of financial assistance for the same. The platform will also provide an opportunity to discuss challenges being faced by Global water resource experts and managers, regarding applying these technologies in Global conditions.
Kontak sponsor/pameran
Mohammad Wasim Fazal
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