DutchCham Winsemius Seminar 2017: a debate on Collaborative Innovation

The Importance of Collaboration and Innovation in the Digital Economy

Our societies are transforming fast into one digital economy where innovation is the engine that contributes to sustainable growth.

To be able to reap the full benefits of innovation a setting of cross-firm, cross-sector and cross-regional collaborations is needed.

Those organizations and governments that can create these collaborations realize strategic value as they tap into an efficient and growing reservoir of ideas and technologies.

It is the best fundament for radical new ideas to pioneer and where players across the value chain can participate in the emergence of new feasible business models.

Understanding how collaborations effect the innovation chain is the main question of this debate that we will break up into 4 focal points of this collaborative innovation eco-system:

  • Sustainable finance
  • Human capital
  • Technical developments
  • Cyber security

Expect an interesting and engaging panel discussion, moderated by prof.dr. Robert Kooij (TNO Singapore) and featuring a diverse group of experts from the public and private sector, that will bring insights, understanding and opinion about the opportunities that exist in these areas.

The session will kick off with two short key-notes, followed by a lively moderated panel session.

Key-note speaker

Timo Kansil is Assistant Director of the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI). IGCI is the Singapore based division of INTERPOL which deals globally with cybercrime, capacity building and innovation. Timo Kansil is seconded to INTERPOL by the National Police of The Netherlands.

At the Netherlands National Police he was Head of International Cooperation. Before he served as Head of Strategy and Policy at the National Police Agency; as Chief of Staff to the Chief Commissioner entrusted with the Netherlands EU presidency in 2004; and as senior advisor at the Dutch Ministry of the Interior.

Timo Kansil holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from the UvA University of Amsterdam and has received executive education at international schools including Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government. He was a visiting fellow at The Netherlands School for Public Administration, is the author of several scientific publications and conducts trainings and lectures at renowned institutions.


prof.dr.ir. R.E. (Robert) Kooij

Robert Kooij has a background in mathematics: he received his PhD degree cum laude at Delft University of Technology, in 1993. From 1997 until 2003 he was employed at KPN, the largest telecom operator in the Netherlands. Since 2003 he is employed at TNO, the Netherlands Organization of Applied Scientific Research. In 2011 he became Principal Scientist, conducting and managing research on Critical ICT Infrastructures.

Since 2005 Robert is part-time affiliated with the Delft University of Technology, at the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science. Since 2010 he is a part-time full professor with the chair “Robustness of Complex Networks”. In 2016 prof. Kooij relocated to the TNO South-East Asia office in Singapore. As of January 2017 he is adjunct professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design.

Robert is a skilled public speaker and gave hundreds of presentations, both for academia and industry. He has also moderated several workshops and seminars, on a variety of subjects. As a moderator, he is able to create the proper atmosphere and level of interaction with the audience.

Panel Members

Mrs Femke Hellemons, Country Manager for Adecco Personnel Pte Ltd

Femke Hellemons is the Country Manager for Adecco Personnel Pte Ltd, the Swiss-based global leader in workforce solutions, having been appointed to this role in April 2013.

Femke is an experienced HR professional with almost 20 years of diverse experience within the HR industry.Her career with Adecco began in 1999, when she joined the company as a Branch Manager in the Netherlands. After three years, she became an Area Manager, before moving into a managed services role in 2008, that saw her highly involved in the strategic servicing of Adecco key clients in the Netherlands.

Femke graduated in International Management from Hogeschool van Utrecht, Netherlands, and has attended the Adecco Leadership Programme in IMD in Switzerland.

Ms Herry Cho, Director Capital Structuring & Advisory, Sustainable Finance Lead Asia, ING Wholesale Banking Asia

Herry has been advising corporate clients in Capital Structuring & Advisory since September 2015. She provides multi-product capital structuring solutions, especially balance sheet optimisation and/or funding options during mergers & acquisitions, significant growth, restructuring, deleveraging and funding cost-optimisation.Herry also acts as the sustainability lead forING WholesaleBanking Asia. She is also the lead creator and Chairperson of the Sustainable Finance Collective Asia (www.sfc-asia.com), a collaborative funding platform bringing together financial institutions to fund more sustainable projects in Asia.
Prior to these roles, Herry has held a range of positions within ING including Corporate Finance (Mergers and Acquisitions Advisory and Equity Capital Markets), Debt Capital Markets, and Group Strategy in Hong Kong, Singapore and London.
Herry holdsa masters in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry(MBioch) from the University of Oxford.

Mr Ashwin T. Chari, Head of Strategy & New Business Development (including M&A; & Venturing) at Philips ASEAN & Pacific

Mr Ashwin T. Chari currently heads Strategy & New Business Development (including M&A; & Venturing) at Philips ASEAN & Pacific. In this role, he wears a few hats – a Strategist who is focused on driving growth for the region, a Promoter of internal innovation who drives the commercialization of new business lines (internal “start-ups”) through Business model innovation and an Evangelist of Open innovation for Philips by forging collaboration with external parties – start-ups/VCs/SMEs etc. He has over 17 years’ experience in the High Tech &Telecoms; industry across Asia Pacific and Europe, having served companies like Nokia, McKinsey and a BT/NTT JV (now StarHub). Ashwin has an MBA from INSEAD and a Bachelor’s degree in Electronics Engineering (Communications) from NTU. He is passionate about delivering social impact through innovation.

Dr. Michael Dinh, Founder and Managing Director at Singalarity

Dr. Michael Dinh is the founder and Managing Director of Singalarity. He has a decade and a half of experience in developing and managing leading-edge technology projects across a wide range of sectors, including IT services, semiconductor, oil & gas, energy and classification society. An entrepreneur, Dr. Dinh has grown successful ventures in retail and consulting. He is able to blend technology requirements with management and business objectives to provide unique solutions catered to client needs.
Prior to establishing Singalarity, Dr. Dinh spearheaded the development of new products and technical rules & standards for Lloyd’s Register (LR), including co-authorship of LR MOU’s Integrated Software-intensive Systems Notation, LR’s Technology Qualification Guidance Note in collaboration with Rail, Marine, Energy and Quality Assurance. He has consulted for clients in business and industry organisations on cyber security, technology assurance, big data and software & system assurance.

For registration visit: http://dutchcham.sg/upcoming/winsemius-seminar-2017-collaborative-innovation/.

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