ECOCITY World Summit 2017

ECOCITY World Summit 2017

The ECOCITY World Summit series is one of the most globally significant forums for addressing the complex challenges facing humanity in a rapidly urbanising world. ECOCITY 2017: Changing Cities: Resilience and Transformations is being hosted by the University of Melbourne, Western Sydney University and the City of Melbourne.

We are pleased to announce that the Hon Al Gore (former US Vice President and current Chair of The Climate Reality Project) will be the Principal Speaker at the ECOCITY World Summit 2017. Mr. Gore will deliver his famous slide presentation including his insights on the role of cities in meeting the global climate challenge.

The Summit will bring together a diverse mix of researchers, policy makers and citizens with a common focus on identifying and creating pathways to more sustainable, resilient and equitable cities.

The 2017 Summit will be held in Melbourne on 12-14 July 2017. Call for contributions and the early bird registration are now open.

Kontak sponsor/pameran

Gerard Halpin
[javascript protected email address]

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