Presented in partnership with the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage, this one day training program will give energy audit practitioners the skills and knowledge to deliver energy audits that meet with Australian Standard 3598:2014. Note that the content of the course relates to audit process rather than being an instruction on energy saving techniques and technologies.
The program is practical and hands-on, using workshops and group exercises to lead participants through the process of delivering a Standard compliant energy audit relating to:
- 3598.1 Energy Audits - Commercial buildings
- 3598.2 Energy Audits - Industrial and related activities
The training will be delivered by Dr Paul Bannister. Paul is one of the world’s leading authorities in energy efficiency. Previously the Managing Director of leading specialist energy efficiency consultancy Exergy Australia, (acquired by Energy Action in 2014), Paul is now responsible for Energy Action’s Projects & Advisory Services division.
Paul has played a central role in the development of major energy efficiency innovations, such as the Australian Building Greenhouse Rating Scheme (now renamed NABERS Energy). He is a founding member of the ABGR (now NABERS) Independent Energy Efficiency Design Review Panel and an author to over 100 publications in the field of energy use.
Paul was awarded National Energy Efficiency Champion at the National Energy Efficiency Awards 2014.
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