Functional Fibre-based Material & Packaging

Functional Fibre-based Material & Packaging

Join us and our industry experts panel at CMT’s Functional Fibre-Based Material & Packaging, on 10 - 12 Oct 2023 in Porto. The 3-day agenda will walk you through the current development on barrier application on paper packaging for food-contact, moulded fibre materials, technologies and solutions, as well as end-of-life options for these fibre-based packaging, recycling and new approaches. This is the ideal event to assess the latest industry updates on fibre-based packaging in food and non-food applications, and a perfect platform for all speakers and participants to discuss ideas and opportunities, as well as network with high-level players from across the supply chain.

Kontak sponsor/pameran

Cynthia YEO
[javascript protected email address]

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