Future of Food Conference

This two-day business conference will identify the main areas of opportunity and innovation within the food and beverage industry. We’ll assess how business can react to consumer trends and expectations, whilst building sustainable, resilient agricultural supply chains.

Agenda highlights include:

  • Key trends and market transformation: C-suite insights into sourcing trends, industry shifts and potential business model disruption
  • The decade of action on climate: How leading food brands can align targets and practices with consumer sentiment and 1.5 degrees
  • Provenance, nutrition and sustainability: What are the consumer trends and demands shaping the future of food
  • Politics in food: How can business have a real impact on agricultural policy that helps meet sustainability objectives?
  • Sustainable agriculture practices: Leading examples of regenerative agriculture, responsible water and soil management, biodiversity conservation and chemical use
  • A new era for transparency: How to build consumer trust and satisfy demand for information
  • Driving farmer resilience: What can business do to support and enable a sustainable business model for the farmers of the future?
  • Investors driving climate action: How investors expect food companies to adapt to the growing urgency and gravity of climate change
  • Sustainable packaging: A look at the latest developments in product design to reduce your plastic footprint
  • The vegan health halo: Is the alternative protein market lacking transparency on health and nutritional impacts?
  • Zero deforestation: What’s still standing in the way of business achieving their targets and commitments?

Seethe full agenda here.

The conference will be split into four tracks based on the key themes of: Farmers, Land, Climate and Consumers. We strongly encourage delegates to join as a team to ensure you don’t miss anything across these sessions. Please get in touch for details on group discounts and feel free to share this with any interested colleagues.

Held strictly under the Chatham House rule, the focus of the forum will be open, honest debate and discussion, with NO PowerPoints or one-way presentations. We’ll look at how business can work together to manage risk, navigate uncertainty and meet climate and sustainability targets.

Kontak sponsor/pameran

Tanya Richard
[javascript protected email address]

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