Global Moringa Meet 2012

2 Day Moringa State of Art International Workshop

November 25 & 26, 2012, Jaipur, India

CJP’s Global Moringa Meet focuses on the entire Moringa production from Ground zero to scale.

Among agronomic questions that can only be readily answered in the programme with assurance are:

Biology, Biodiversity & Physiology

Gremplasm, Genomic, Genetic Improvement & Propagation


Farm Design & Management

Agronomics and sustainability

- R&D status, available varieties, yield, optimal conditions

- Greenhouse gas benefits


- Economy, Marketing & Health-promoting Properties

- financing requirements of large scale projects

- is this industry attracting the needed capitals?

- Carbon credits

- Existence of meaningful supply chains

- Market demand and its perspectives: aviation, health, cosmetic


- Large-scale vs. small-scale

- Local use vs. export

Moringa Oil and Oil technology & Quality


- Impact on local communities

-  Involvement of small holders

Next Generation Biofuels Feedstock

In the recent years Moringa oil industry has caught the great attention in the global market and, as the world’s one of the Moringa producer, India plays a very important role in it. Thus, it is very important for stakeholders of Moringa oil industry to continuously and constantly to keep updated on the technology due to its potential in maximizing productivity and achieving further efficiency. CJP holds the Global MORINGAWORLD 2012 as an important event for global Moringa stakeholders. This event will provide reliable information on Moringa, market dynamics, and also with the latest issues in the industry.

The Forming and Managing Supply Chains in Agribusiness learning package helps managers to learn what is required to “hand craft” their own supply chain as a way of improving their Moringa crop enterprise’s chances of success. The package would be of interest to anyone in the Moringa crop development process, but is specially targeted at those who are close to the full commercialization stage. Moringa World India 12 shall Highlights the updated research and technology; Experts will meet to reveal the latest developments in Moringa research, the newest agricultural, horticultural, harvesting and modification techniques, and tell how the process can be scaled up. It will provide an excellent opportunity to the investors, entrepreneurs, renewable fuel experts, their associates and academia to share their experiences and knowledge on Moringa. It will give them an excellent opportunity to know more about the latest research and developments in production .The Programme would cover all the topics related to Moringa Industry with Plantation visit

This is a NOT to be MISSED Opportunity to new growers to start MORINGA BUSINESS

Seize this opportunity to begin business with Moringa and REGISTER Today

Please contact via e-mail or telephone for further details and obtaining registration form.


Centre for Jatropha Promotion & Biodiesel

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