How Can Digitalisation Boost the Delivery of Efficient Design? Green Drinks October Forum

In the world of architecture, the first instances of digitization occurred with the advent of CAD electronic drafting - a step up from manual drafting, certainly, but little more than a translation of existing methodologies into digital form. A more significant transformation came later with the development of Building Information Modeling (BIM), whereby a model of a building is constructed digitally while simultaneously being analyzed and formatted into a database of informational reports, allowing for intuitive understanding and collaboration within projects. Now even further advanced technologies, such as parametric design or computational fluid dynamics, are driving designers ever deeper into the possibilities of their fields.

But with continuing innovation of the tools available, how are people using these technologies to deliver efficient design? This forum will discuss recent developments in architecture and urban planning technologies, and how they have increased the functionality of designers throughout the entire building process, from conceptualization to construction.

Event Itinerary:

  • 18.00 – 19.00: Registration and networking
  • 19.00 – 20.00: Speaker Presentations
    (2-3 speakers for a max. of 15-20min each, incl. a 5-minute Q&A slot between each presentation - asked by the moderator or other speakers)
  • 20.00 – 20.30: Q&A session open to the audience
  • 20.30 – 20.45: Break into small networking groups with the speakers
  • 20:45 – 21:15: Drinks and networking

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