Green Talks with Industrial Operations

This is a half day B2B marketplace and networking event featuring a series of short talks and focused mini-exhibition on solutions for greener & more cost efficient industrial operations.

Attendance is free but registeration is required

Why join Green Talks with Industrial Operations?

3 BIG Reasons:

  • Industrial Operations account for 30 per cent or more of GHG generation in industrial countries. Ignoring the environmental and social impacts of one’s business can have life-threatening consequences for a company, more so now with the toughening up of environmental laws in Malaysia
  • Consumers today are demanding best-in-class products and manufacturing practices from suppliers
  • From a cost perspective improving energy efficiency and use of renewable resources can dramatically reduce operating costs.

Share, learn & and meet suppliers and partners who can help to optimise your operations:

  • Industrial Waste Management
  • Natural ventilation and cooling solutions
  • IoT application for automation and energy management
  • Waste water treatment, recycling and rainwater harvesting
  • Industrial hygiene – what is it all about?
  • Green Building solutions, audit & certification
  • Natural ventilation and cooling solutions
  • Achieving better Energy efficiency
  • Renewable energy options and incentives
  • Efficient Facilities management for industrial buildings
  • Use of solar thermal for industrial applications
  • And more!

Kontak sponsor/pameran

Sharan Sambhi
[javascript protected email address]

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