Impact of green bonds to NDCs under the Paris Agreement

Impact of green bonds to NDCs under the Paris Agreement

Co-organisers: Carbon Care Asia, Heinrich Boell Foundation

Supporting Partner: Centre for Governance & Sustainability, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore

The Paris Climate Agreement lays a solid foundation for mobilising the capital market for climate mitigation and adaptation actions, involving a wide variety of funding sources, instruments, and channels. Prior to COP26 in the coming November, many countries have submitted their latest Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) or even pledged to commit to carbon neutrality targets. With the increasing importance of green bonds in the financial market, it is timely to review their role under the NDCs and to understand their impact in addressing the climate challenge.

Heinrich Boell Foundation (HBS) Asia Global Dialogue has commissioned Carbon Care Asia (CCA) to conduct research on the role of green bonds in relation to country commitments under the Paris Agreement and the related dynamics of key stakeholders in the green bond market in Asia. The findings of this research will be revealed in this public online seminar. Leading experts are invited to discuss the findings’ implications to the future development of the green bond market, and whether green bond is an effective tool in delivering carbon reductions or even carbon neutrality commitments under the Paris Agreement while it is being promoted by the Asian finance sector.


Opening Remarks (5 mins)

Layla Al-Zubaidi, Director, HBS Asia Global Dialogue

Sharing of Research Findings (15 mins)

Xing Lan, Associate Director (Sustainable Finance), CCA

Panel Discussion (30 mins)

Moderator: John Sayer, Director, CCA


  1. Prof Lawrence Loh, Director, Centre for Governance and Sustainability (CGS), NUS Business School, National University of Singapore (NUS)
  2. Joerg Haas, Head of Division of International Politics, HBS

Q&A and Closing Remarks (10 mins)


Moderator: John Sayer, Director, CCA

Prof Lawrence Loh Director, CGS, NUS Business School, National University of Singapore

Layla Al-Zubaidi, Director, HBS Asia Global Dialogue

Joerg Haas, Head of Division of International Politics, HBS

Xing Lan, Associate Director (Sustainable Finance), CCA

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