In-Person LEED GA Exam Prep

Get the best of both worlds! The convenience of online learning combined with hands-on in-person training in Chennai, India! Our in-person LEED Exam Prep comes with access to our on-demand materials which include hundreds of practice questions, a study guide, mock exams, audio files, online modules, memorization charts and flashcards! Our instructors combine real-world LEED Project expertise with best practices to deliver material in a way that ensures students pass their LEED exams the very FIRST time!

GBRI’s Exam Prep will familiarize you with ALL the required information to pass the LEED Green Associate Exam. You don’t need to purchase anything else besides what’s already included in your package.

About your GBRI Certified Instructor:

“Haripriya Sathyanarayanan, GBRI Instructor, is a Total Building Performance and Sustainability Consultant; and LEED AP (BD+C). She has over 13 years of professional experience including in academics and course development. Haripriya currently works for ZEB-Technology Pte Ltd, Singapore as a lead consultant on high performance buildings and in developing energy efficiency roadmaps for projects in Green Healthcare, Commercial and Residential sectors in Singapore, Malaysia, China and Brunei, along with applied research projects in Singapore; with her expertise being in passive design. She is an architect and has a post graduate degree in Building Science from NUS Singapore. Haripriya has recently moved to India to further business development, operationsand research”.

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