Inside IEQ - Sydney

It is generally recognised that Australians spend 90% or more of their time indoors. So the quality of our indoor environments can have a big impact on the health and wellbeing of building occupants and the bottom line for investors and buildings owners.

Join us as we take a targeted look at Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) and the important part it plays in a building’s overall sustainability.

This targeted event will cover:

- What constitutes good IEQ – how to design your lighting, acoustics and air systems to create a good indoor environments.

- What are the benefits of IEQ to building users as well as the flow on benefits to the bottom line for building owners and investors.

Expert speakers

Joining us from the United States is keynote speaker Dr Kenneth Roy, Senior Principal Research Scientist, Armstrong World Industries. Kenneth Roy is a highly regarded expert in the field of acoustics and IEQ. He will provide an insight into creating exemplary aural environments across the office, healthcare and education sectors with occupant productivity and comfort.

Other panellists include:

  • Jorge Chapa, Executive Director Green Star Development and Operations, GBCA (Moderator)
  • Tim Carr, Australasia Leader, Lighting, Arup
  • Professor Richard de Dear, Head Architectural and Design Science, Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney

More about IEQ

IEQ is an important part of a building’s overall sustainability. Temperature, lighting and acoustics are the 3 core indicators of IEQ and have a huge impact on people’s health, happiness and comfort within a building.

The direct benefits of IEQ to the building user are just starting to be recognised and measured, including faster recovery times for patients in hospitals, increased learning capacity within school facilities and boost office productivity.

The benefits of good IEQ to the financial bottom line are also just starting to be measured and the findings are significant.

Event Sponsor: Armstrong

Kontak sponsor/pameran

Stephanie Miller
[javascript protected email address]

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