Irrigation Australia Regional Conference 2015

Irrigation Australia Ltd (IAL) has selected the peri-urban environment as the key topic for our 2015 Regional Conference. Western Sydney, and specifically the Penrith area, has been chosen as the venue for our 2015 conference. The Penrith region and its surrounding areas represents in microcosm almost every aspect of the peri-urban environment. The past 20 years or so has seen a massive influx of residential housing and industry, changing Penrith from a semi-rural regional satellite to a vibrant part of the greater Sydney region. Still, within this region, there are turf and vegetable farming operations, orchards, greenhouse operations, dairy and livestock farming, market gardens, rivers, on-farm and major dams, irrigated broad acre crops, experimental University farming operations, Government agricultural and water departments, CSG operations, environmental and cultural water needs, recreation and open space, golf courses, and more.

The competing needs for irrigation water, and how Governments and stakeholders work together to address expectations and satisfy these competing needs, forms the basis of IAL’s 2015 peri-urban conference.

Kontak sponsor/pameran

Rebekah Toole
[javascript protected email address]

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