Mastering Renewable & Alternative Energies
Dates & Locations:
26 – 29 August 2019, Dubai
18 – 21 November 2019, Singapore
The comprehensive, business-focused course is designed to provide clear independent guidance on market opportunity and risk to those deploying, investing in or regulating renewable power projects.
It is presented in language suited to non-engineering commercial executives and investors, so no prior knowledge is assumed or required.
Presented throughout in an interactive and market-focused way, the course connects the multiple market environment and project delivery factors that need to align in order that renewable power can scale up, integrate and make money: from the business, system and policy environment to the project development processes, finances, risks and returns.
Over 4 days, attendees are led through the key market and technological trends, through to the variables impacting the success (or failure) of individual projects and the integration of large amounts of renewable energy into dynamic power markets.
This market analysis approach recognises that the sustainable growth of any renewable power business requires the balancing of interconnected and potentially conflicting requirements, including reliable service, investor returns and public/political acceptance.
Key learning objectives
- -Gain a comprehensive understanding of the competitive dynamics, market environments, project risk factors and integration challenges associated with the large-scale transition to renewable power
- -Understand the key policy, market and business environment requirements for the sustained growth of renewable power
- -Learn from up-to-the-minute examples and best practices from markets around the world
- -Gain a checklist of the processes, timeframes and contracts that delivery investable renewable power projects
- -Examine the investment requirements and economic returns and risks for renewable power projects (using an Excel cash flow model)
- -Review current and emerging renewable power technology trends
- -Be better equipped to converse with project partners, suppliers or investors.
- -Develop an integrated approach to combining financial, technological and socioeconomic factors in renewable power market and project analysis
- -Know how to identify, analyse and critique competing power generating options, including analysis of wider electricity mix challenges (illustrated using a simple Excel model)
Topic highlights with case studies
Day 1: Market Environments for Renewable Power
- -Renewable Power: A ‘Big Picture’ Review
- -The Value of Electricity, Including the Impact of Renewables
- -Understanding What Makes A Practical Power Generation Mix
- -INTERACTIVE SESSION: Illustrating the Challenges of Transitioning to a Cleaner Electricity Mix
Day 2: Investment Returns & Risks for Renewable Power Projects
- -The Business Case Variables and Economics of A Power Project
- -Financing Costs and Attracting Investment
- -Regulatory Impacts & Policy Risks
- -INTERACTIVE SESSION: Illustrating the Key Variables in Competitive Bidding
Day 3: Deploying Renewable Power Projects
- -A Project Development Checklist
- -Key Processes and Contracts
- -Reviewing Specific Considerations for…
- i)Solar Power
- ii)Wind Power
- iii)Geothermal
- iv)Hydropower
- v)Biopower
Day 4: Growing ‘System-Friendly’ Renewable Power
- -Market Drivers for Dispatchable and Hybrid Renewable Power Projects
- -Renewables + Storage (and Other Power System Flexibility Solutions)
- -Distributed Renewables, the Power System Transition & New Value Chain Opportunities
- -CLOSING INTERACTIVE SESSION: Transitioning to 100% Renewable Power
Who should attend
-Power Generators (Utilities / IPPs)
-Policymakers and Policy Advisors
-Investors, including banks, Venture Capital and Private Equity
-Renewable Energy Project Developers
-Commercial Services Suppliers (Law, Insurance etc)
-Transmission / Distribution System Operators
-Vendors & EPC contractors involved in Renewable & Conventional Power Generation, T&D; and Electricity Storage
-Conventional Fuel Companies (Oil & Gas, Coal)
-Large Energy Users
Course certificate
Upon the successful completion of this course, you will receive a Certificate of Completion bearing the signatures from both the Course Director and the Course Organiser. This Certificate will testify your endeavour and serve towards your professional advancement.
To register / enquire more details, please contact:
Vincs Kong
Infocus International Group
Tel: +65 6325 0351 | Email:
Kontak sponsor/pameran
Vincs Kong
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