Hot Topics:
- Government Policies, Market Analysis
- OEMs’ Strategies
- Manless Driving, Wireless Charging, IOV Technologies
- Battery, Motor, Electronic Control Technologies
- Hybrid Power Technology, Transmission Technology, Automotive Lightweight Technologies etc.
You Cannot Afford To Miss:
- 2 Days of Content-Rich Sessions and Case Studies
- 30+ Esteem.ed and Professional Speakers
- 350+ attendees from 15+ Countries
Conference Highlights:
- Understand the latest industry policy and development planning
- Discuss change and future development of China’s automobile industry
- Gain extensive technical and commercial vision
- Share global and local experience and successful cases
- Listen to the voice of new market entrants
- Participate in diversified forms of communication and exchanges
Conference Structure at a Glance:
Day 1(March 20th)
lGovernment Planning and Market Prospects
OEM’s Strategies
Sub Forum 1: Power Battery Technologies
Sub Forum 2: Motor, Electrical Control Technologies and Automotive Electronics
Day 2(March 21st)
lIntelligent Connected Vehicle
New Technological Advances
lInfrastructure & Charging Technology
Core Technology Advancement & Innovation
Kontak sponsor/pameran
Carey YANG
[javascript protected email address]
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