Responsible Business Forum on Sustainable Development 2016

The 5th Responsible Business Forum on Sustainable Development will be held in Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, 22 – 24 November 2016. This year’s forum, the largest to date, will help companies better understand the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the opportunities in supporting governments to achieve them.

A series of 34 facilitated workshops will provide a deeper look into each of the 17 SDGs. Each SDG workshop will be held twice so that delegates can design their own RBF 2016 programme around the goals most relevant and critical to their business. Expert facilitators will introduce the goals with companies presenting case studies showing lessons from implementation. This will be followed by audience discussions around innovation and collaboration with other stakeholders.

As the first major Asia Pacific event to focus on business and Agenda 2030, RBF 2016 will provide insights to the many win-win opportunities for multi-stakeholder collaboration to deliver the global goals. With opening addresses by Lawrence Wong, Singapore’s Minister for National Development and Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development and Planning, Indonesia, this year’s Forum is the most ambitious to date, with over 100 speakers, and more than 500 delegates attending from across the globe.

Leading global brands and companies will present their business case for SDG integration including GlaxoSmithKline, Coca-Cola, Unilever, H&M, Huawei, Herbalife Nutrition, ANZ Bank, Sodexo, Interface, Autodesk, City Developments Limited, KKR, Dow Chemical, Ericsson, ING Bank, Amcor, APRIL Group, DSM, Singtel, Syngenta, Microsoft and Facebook among many others. You can visit our website for an updated agenda and a full list of speakers.

There are limited seats available, so don’t miss out on your chance to be a part of the most important event on sustainable business this year.

Confirmed RBF speakers include:

  • Lawrence Wong, Minister for National Development, Singapore,
  • Bambang Brodjonegoro, Minister for National Development & Planning, Indonesia,
  • Malcolm Preston, Global Sustainability Leader, PwC,
  • Haoliang Xu, Assistant Secretary-General, UN, Director, Asia & Pacific, UNDP,
  • Michelle Yeoh, Actress, UNDP Goodwill Ambassador,
  • Erik Solheim, Executive Director, UNEP,
  • Ramon Lopez, Secretary, Trade & Industry, Philippines,
  • Michelle Gyles-McDonnough, Resident Coordinator in Malaysia, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
  • Marco Lambertini, Director General, WWF International,
  • Andrew Morlet, Chief Executive, Ellen MacArthur Foundation,
  • Mark Ingram, Chief Executive, Business for Development,
  • Nina Sardjunani, Leader, Sustainable Development Goals National Secretariat, Indonesia,
  • Anthea Webb, Country Director, Indonesia, World Food Programme,
  • Jimmy Pang, President of Global Government Affairs, Huawei,
  • U Tin Htut, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation, Myanmar and many others.

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Monica Hornung Cattan
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