Setting and strengthening the commitment to manage forest-related risks

CDP and Accountability Framework initiative (AFi) will be co-hosting the webinar on setting and strengthening the commitment to manage forest-related risks in Bahasa Indonesia, which is a part of CDP Forests webinar series.

This webinar aims to guide companies and their suppliers on establishing a strong No deforestation commitment that paves the way for effective implementation and demonstration of progress , including the important criteria, to support the achievement of sustainability target. The webinar will also provide opportunity for companies to consult on the CDP forest disclosure.

Key takeaway includes:

  • Making the case. Why companies need to adopt sustainability commitment?
  • What are the key elements necessary to develop for a strong commitment to eliminate deforestation and human rights violations from supply chains and operations. A guide in developing robust commitments and policies for companies.
  • Provide guidance for companies to start measuring, monitoring, and evaluating their environmental impact, including small medium enterprise.
  • Case study. Policies developed and implemented by companies leading in the environmental stewardship
  • Technical support. Interactive session on 2020 CDP forest disclosure

Join us on next Wednesday, 24 June, at 10:00 - 11:30 (GMT+7) to learn more about how disclosure can help your companies to measure and manage deforestation risks and commit to proactive action for the restoration of forests and ecosystems.

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