Smart Home, Green Family: Green Drinks Chinese Forum

Even after cleaning your house, it might not be as clean as you think. Unfortunately, this is referring to the environmental damage that our houses create and the associated safety risks that are felt by the entire planet. Our lifestyle choices and consumption habits have a big impact on the environment and a few simple changes can vastly improve the “greenness” of our homes and the wellbeing of those around us.

This pollution and environmental degradation is felt globally, however our homes can also directly harm those living inside. This includes, but is not limited to, the indoor air quality, the products we use to clean them, our energy consumption habits, and maintenance practices.

Fortunately, improving the quality of our homes is not as difficult as you might think. Some simple changes to the way we live and the products we use can have a huge impact on our environment.

Some questions we would be looking to answer through this forum are:

  • What products and appliances should or shouldn’t we use?
  • How does technology enable us to live a greener and healthier life?
  • How can we determine the Indoor Air Quality of our houses?

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