Special IAIA Symposium: Improving Impact Assessment and Management in the Mining Sector 4-5 December 2018 | London, UK

What are the emerging issues and challenges in applying impact assessment (IA) in the mining sector?

And how can these issues be tackled?

Join leading practitioners in London on 4-5 December for a special symposium on this topic organised by the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA). The event will bring together companies, regulators, lenders, consultants, and civil society representatives to contribute to this discussion.Over two days, participants will attend eight plenary sessionswith presentations focused on today’s key challenges in management and impact assessment in the mining sector. (Check out the Final Program or web page for complete session descriptions and the presenters.)

Register by 15 November as space is limited. Participants will be exposed to leading-edge examples and case studies to provoke discussion and solutions-oriented debate around each topic, to advance and improve the practice of impact assessment and management within the mining sector. IAIA will produce symposium proceedings to capture the outcomes and contribute to general knowledge on emerging best practice.

A pre-symposium training course will be held on 3 December on “Key Concepts and Tools for Integrating Human Rights into Impact Assessment.” An additional fee applies, and only a few spots remain in the course.

The registration deadline for both the symposium and the training course is 15 November. Visit http://conferences.iaia.org/mining18/registration.php, or contact Sue (info@iaia.org) with any questions.

IAIA is pleased to have the following speakers bring their expertise to the symposium:

Katie Miller and Jeremy Martin, Horizonte Minerals: ESHIA for a Mining Development in Brazil

Simon Tillotson, ERM: Digital ESHIA

Alistair Billington and Tom Clayton, IEMA: Proportionate ESHIA for Mining

Froydis Cameron-Johansson, Anglo American: Multi-stakeholder dialogue process in Peru

Nick Bainton, CSRM: The development forum process in the Papua New Guinean mining industry

Ana Maria Esteves, Community Insights Group: IA as a tool for life of mine management of community and stakeholder engagement

Jared Hardner, Hardner and Gullison Associates: Challenges with biodiversity baselines

Alice Davies, SRK Consulting: Finding win-win solutions using the IA process

Rachel Asante-Owusu, IUCN: Independent panels and environmental challenges

David Hamilton, Oyu Tolgoi/Rio Tinto: Net gain/no net loss in a data poor environment

Pippa Howard, Fauna and Flora International: Forest Smart Mining: Identifying factors associated with the impacts of mining on forests and principles for good practice

Panelists David Williamson, EBRD; Trine Pertou Mach, International Alert; and Fiona Cessford, SRK Consulting:When the rubber hits the road: The practical challenges of complying with E&S; standards and meeting evolving societal expectations

Joe Crummy, Euromax Resources: Innovative and practical methods to assess geochemistry and weathering characteristics for design of mine

David Hamilton, Oyu Tolgoi/Rio Tinto: Water conservation in an arid environment

Gary Krieger, Newfields: Combining remote sensing and virtual technology

Tomasz Wlodarczyk, SLR Consulting (Canada) Ltd.: The value of computerized visual simulations in impact assessment

PanelistsGillian Davidson, Sustainability Executive and Board Director; Maria Ezpeleta, Oxfam America; and Katherine Heller, IFC: Integrating new approaches to gender in mining

Patrick Harris, PhD, Menzies Centre for Health Policy, Sydney Medical School: The experience of including health impacts in EIAs of coal mines in Australia: Navigating power dynamics in policy

Janis Shandro, University of Victoria and Arrowsmith Gold: Without health there is nothing to mine

Edouard Swana, International SOS: HIA and the Community Health Action Plan: The Tenke Fungurume Mining Project in the DRC

Dawn Brock, ICMM: Social transitioning: Closure good practice guidance and collaboration

Ed O’Keefe, Synergy Global Consulting: State of the art in mine social closure: Practices, problems, and way forward

Gordon Harris, SFU Community Trust: Land use planning: The heart of social closure

Plus additional panelists Tom Butler (ICMM), Greg Radford (IGF), Nora Götzmann (Danish Institute for Human Rights), Susan Joyce (On Common Ground), Peter Moore (EBRD), Pippa Howard (Fauna and Flora International), and Kevin D’Souza (Centerra Gold Inc).

A special thanks to IAIA’s partners and sponsors for making this event happen: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Intergovernmental Forum on Mining, Minerals, Metals and Sustainable Development, Golder, SLR Consulting, Ltd., ERM, Centerra Gold, Lydian, SRK Consulting, Anglo American

The International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) is the leading global network on best practice in using impact assessment to make informed decisions regarding policies, programs, plans and projects.

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