SUM 2022 - 6th Symposium on circular economy and urban mining

SUM 2022 - 6th Symposium on circular economy and urban mining

SUM 2022 - 6th Symposium on Circular Economy and Urban Mining will be held from 18th to 20th May 2022 in the fascinating venue of Capri, Italy.

The Symposium, organised biennially since 2012 by IWWG-International Waste Working Group, represents the ideal reference Forum for resource recovery from waste, where scientists and stakeholders can debate the most advanced results and focus on future needs.

SUM 2022 is held under the patronage of the Italian Ministry for Ecological Transition, Campania Region, City of Capri and ENEA–Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.
The Symposium relies on the scientific support of prestigious universities and is promoted by several national and international bodies.

The conference programme will include parallel tracks of oral sessions, workshops, poster presentations and much more.

The Call for Papers is open!
Authors interested in presenting their work at SUM 2022 should submit their paper using the online submission form

The Symposium will include the following topics:
Concepts in saving, recovery and recycling of material resources / Prevention, minimisation and preparing for reuse / Sources and characterisation of valuable materials / Appropriate technology for materials recovery and valorisation / Specific material flows in circular economy / Enhanced landfill mining / Quality control along recycling chain / Closing material loops in circular economy / Economic and financial aspects / Policies and legal aspects / Tools and instruments for projects evaluation / Education, communication, social and psychological aspects / Digital solutions for circular economy / Waste architecture and urban space / Blue technologies for sustainable circular economy / Urban mining and circular economy concepts in emerging and developing countries / Companies Forum. Read more about the conference topics >

Registrations are open!
Register by 28th February to take advantage of the Early Bird discount on the entrance fee. All details available at the following page:

For any further information, please visit the official website or contact the Organising Secretariat at

Kontak sponsor/pameran

Gioia Burgello
[javascript protected email address]

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