Sustainability & Naturals in Cosmetics

Heading to Prague, Czech Republic from 6-7 May 2020, Sustainability & Naturals in Cosmetics will bring together over 90 key experts from across the supply chain looking for innovative insights, trends and developments in sustainability.

  • Hear from international thought-leaders on new trends in sourcing natural raw materials, sustainable supply chains, and global regulatory frameworks.
  • Discover best practices from natural and organic cosmetic ingredients manufacturers, brands, cosmetics distributors, and global authorised certification bodies.
  • Increase your networking and business opportunities with senior leaders and decision makers in the beauty and cosmetics market.

Day one of the event will kick off with a session on Market Trends and Consumer Drivers, featuring a keynote address from Nick Vaus, Partner and Creative Director of Free the Bird, followed by a series of presentations surrounding future trends. The programme will then move on to look at Raw Materials: New Solutions and Ingredients, with speakers from Lubrizol Life Science, Vytrus Biotech, L’Oreal Research and Innovations and Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil. Speakers from the Beauty Kitchen, Henkel Beauty Care, Metsa Board and Seismografics will discuss Packaging: Innovations and Sustainability. Day one will be rounded off with a session on Sustainability in Fragrances with Jan Kusmirek from Genera Consultancy, Elemis and Fragrant Earth International, as well as Rolando Stefanos Zabban from Sana Jardin.

Another keynote speech will start off the proceedings on day two with Ewa Kania, Senior Research Analyst form Euromonitor opening the Circular Economy and Sustainability across Supply Chains session. This session will also feature speakers from Barbara Brockway Consulting, Alban Muller – L’Expert du Naturel, Dr. Barbor GmbH & Co. KG, Upcircle and The Body Shop. The conference will then close with the final session looking at Standards and Certifications, featuring speakers from INOLUX, Neil Watson Consultancy, COSMOS, and WALA Heilmittel GmbH (Dr. Hauschka Cosmetics).

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Cherrie Keene
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