The 2nd Women in ICT Leadership Summit 2016

Strategies, Tools And Inspirational Advice To Realise Your Leadership Potential And Drive Business Excellence In The Evolving ICT Environment.

For Information, Communication and Technology professionals the move from specialist to strategist, is far from straight-forward. Technical expertise provides a solid career footing, but leadership demands a dynamic and finely-tuned set of skills shaping a first-rate communicator, influencer and strategic business partner.

Recent years have seen a greater evolution of the traditional control responsibilities of technology functions, with leaders operating in and as agents of organisational change, improving business efficiencies, agility and culture. These new frontiers of leadership bring great possibility and even greater challenges, and for women in ICT there are still more challenges to overcome. Despite a much healthier representation in less senior technology roles, the gender gap remains markedly wide. 

The 2nd Women in ICT Leadership Summit 2016 is the premier professional development opportunity for existing and emerging leaders. This unique forum will address core technical and leadership skills, and share inspirational career stories and insights from successful executives and women in senior leadership roles from across all industries. Register team members early to secure places at this outstanding event! 

2015 Theme “Advice to my younger self”

What do you know now that you wish you had known then? This is the question we have posed to some of the most senior women in ICT. These inspirational senior executive women will reflect on their career journeys – the challenges they have faced, the opportunities they have seized and the lessons they have learnt, to impart advice to women aspiring to achieve professional and personal success.

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