Key Strategies, Solutions and Practical Insights for Women in the Public Sector to Maximise their Leadership Potential.
Liquid Learning is delighted to present The 3rd Public Sector Women in Leadership Summit 2016 - the premier event for talented and high-potential women in the Public Sector to develop their leadership capability to achieve success.
Over the last decade, the proportion of women in senior Public Sector leadership roles has been increasing and now sits at approximately 42%. However, if the trends continue, women will not occupy an equal number of senior leadership positions until closer to 2030. Organisations as a result will miss the opportunity to harness the benefits that diversity in leadership brings.
The 3rd Annual Public Sector Women in Leadership Summit 2016 is designed to focus on the opportunities, rather than the obstacles, for women to progress their careers within this evolving sector. The Summit will provide an exceptional platform for women to share their practical advice and guidance on the key skills required to lead effectively and navigate a path to success.
Inspirational case studies from successful senior women will equip aspiring leaders with the advice and strategies they need to reach their leadership potential. Focusing on building leadership capability and developing the key skills for success, the Summit will be a networking and professional development opportunity not to be missed.
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