The Philippine National Recycling Conference: The Loop Towards Recyclability and Circularity

The Philippine National Recycling Conference: The Loop Towards Recyclability and Circularity

The Philippine National Recycling Conference: The Loop Towards Recyclability and Circularity is a one-day event that aims to foster collective efforts from key waste management businesses, Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obliged enterprises, and government agencies to address challenges, unlock opportunities, increase supply of food-grade recycled flexible packaging material, and drive investments for recycling infrastructure of flexible plastics to support the EPR Act. The Philippine National Recycling Conference: The Loop Towards Recyclability and Circularity is scheduled to take place on 22 February 2024, at Marriott Hotel, Manila.

This Conference ‘s objective:

  • To address challenges, unlock opportunities, increase supply of recycled packaging material, and drive investments for recycling infrastructure of flexible plastics
  • Identify and address the challenges/risks of recycling companies in the Philippines on flexible plastics
  • Form the governance and value chain, and identify partners that will test recycling of flexible plastic back into food-grade recycled packaging material

The morning plenary session will be devoted for talks from notable speakers. In the afternoon, the attendees will be divided and sent out to breakout rooms which will then be a venue for roundtable discussions facilitated by Eco-Business.

Kontak sponsor/pameran

Conference Secretariat
[javascript protected email address]

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