


Online registration is open up to 17 May. After that date, registrations can be done on site at the Congress Center Leipzig from Tuesday 21 May.

To access online registration please use the login details included in the invitation letter from the ITF. If you have not received an invitation, you can request it through the Registration link. Please note that invitations are subject to consideration and appoval by the ITF.

To request media accreditation press credentials are required. 

Members of Official Delegations nominated by Transport Ministries, please click here.



Who attends?

Over 1 000 participants from 70 countries attended last year's event.

The list of participants registered for the 2019 Summit is now available for download.

What does my registration fee cover?

Registration to the Summit covers:

  • The three-day event, including attendance at plenary and panel sessions and side events
  • Networking breakfasts and lunches, the Presidency Reception and the Gala Dinner
  • The bicycle tour with the Mayor of Leipzig
  • Unlimited free public transport within Leipzig City and shuttle connection between official conference hotels, Congress Center Leipzig, Presidency reception venue, Leipzig/Halle airport and Leipzig’s main train station.

See more information about fees and payment

Do I have to register for the entire event even if I only want to attend for one day?

Yes, even if you plan to attend only part of the Summit activities, you will need to register for the whole event.

Who can accompany me?

Accompanying persons are considered to be spouses/partners who are travelling with delegates.

Accompanying persons are able to join their partners at evening networking events (Presidency Reception and Gala Dinner evening), and Leipzig bicycle and walking tours (may incur an additional fee).

Please note that the access to the conference centre is not available during the day i.e. for sessions and technical tours.

Persons accompanying a delegate in a supporting/advisory capacity who require access to Summit sessions and/or technical tours must complete a separate registration. Registration fees will apply accordingly.

Can I re-enter the online registration portal to change details of my registration?

Once your registration submitted, please contact the Registration Help Desk at info@itf-leipzig.com for any changes.

How do I collect my Summit participant badge?

Badges are available for collection at the Summit Registration Desk when you arrive at the Congress Center Leipzig. Please note that photo ID is required to collect your badge.



Speaker Registration


For further information and assistance, please contact:

Registration Help Desk

Weekdays from 8:00-18:00 (CET – Central European Time)
phone +49 341 678 6864
print +49 341 678 8722
alternate_email  info@itf-leipzig.com

Registration is subject to the International Transport Forum's 2019 Summit General Terms and Conditions for Participation