Treatment, quality and sustainability of mine water
The 2nd Annual Water in Mining Queensland brings together government and water experts from the mining industry to discuss the crucial issues facing the industry. Key issues to be discussed include the impact of the new guidelines for managing water in Queensland, together with leading industry case studies that will highlight new processes and practices in relation to managing water supply, managing groundwater and surface water interaction and the latest modelling tools and assessment frameworks for large scale re-use.
Water in Mining Queensland 2013 will deliver:
- Legislative update on the release of water from flooded mines
- Understanding the ‘Underground water impact report’
- Measuring water quality and analysing impacts
- Meeting permitting requirements with regard to discharge
- Water re-use, recycling and remediation on mine sites
- Water and environmental management, monitoring and reporting systems
- Case studies of preparing and implementing a water management plan
- Ensuring security of water supply
- Tailings management, effluent and waste water management
- Managing cumulative impacts through integrated water management strategies
- Case studies of successful desalination
- Complying with water quality objectives and ground water standards
- Surface water & groundwater interaction in mining
Kontak sponsor/pameran
Ian Gray
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