Water Management for Smart Cities

With rapid urbanization becoming an inevitable fact, cities are facing increasing challenges for water management. The water cycle consisting of water resource, production, distribution, consumption, collection and treatment of waste water, play an integral part of the urban system. In October 2015, the Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD) in India cleared the first phase of State level action plans worth INR 2,786 crore under Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT) for 89 cities in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat and Rajasthan with an aim to ensure water supply and sewerage connections to all urban households. The approved action plan has a total of 143 projects which include 47 schemes relating to ensuring water supply connections and augmenting water supply and 31 projects for expanding sewerage network services in identified cities and towns. Gujarat proposed plans entailing an investment of INR 1,204.42 crore followed by Rajasthan’s INR 919 crore and Andhra Pradesh’s investment of INR 662.86 crore. AMRUT seeks to ensure water supply of 135 litres per capita per day in urban areas besides providing water supply and sewerage connections to all urban households.

The objective of hosting this conference is to bring together key stakeholders in the water management sector to discuss the challenges to develop a smart approach to deliver robust urban water infrastructure and services. This approach can be planned through existing and new partnerships between urban planners, water service providers, government agencies, regulators and other stakeholders to meet sustainability and liveability objectives.

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Aniket Gupta
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