Accelerating The Resource Revolution
WRF 2017 is open to key stakeholders from all around the world, including the Asia Pacific region, where previous editions have been organised, including in Australia and China.
The conference offers first-hand information about emerging issues, global trends, progress and innovation in resources and raw materials management. Interact with decision makers and learn what the Resource Revolution is all about. Discover the opportunities smart resource management brings to business and industry. See how societies at large must and will benefit from the change. Keep up to date with today’s research, innovation and technologies and find out what policies and measures are necessary to accelerate the shift
Two years after two historic global agreements have been established – the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Agreement on Climate Change – leaders and other change agents of government, business, research and NGOs will come to Switzerland, host of the United Nations, to talk about how to accelerate the revolution. How should we manage, coordinate, finance, track progress, learn, train and communicate about it?
Conference format
Two sizzling days of plenary debates, partner workshops, scientific sessions, exhibition, press conferences, WRF Cinema, Art Gallery, and social program, including the famous WRF Gala Dinner and WRF Concert. In short, the signature WRF format, carefully designed to deliver open and involving multi-stakeholder dialogue.
Topics include:
- Governance of Raw Materials
- Circular Economy and Investing in Resource Efficiency
- Sustainable Recycling Industries (SRI)
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- The Resource Revolution Trainer (MOOC Decoupling)
- Sustainable Consumption and Production
- Cities, Infrastructure and Lifestyles
Kontak sponsor/pameran
Maria-Lucia Hijar
[javascript protected email address]
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