Audit highlights waste problems

An audit of the ACT’s two waste recycling estates has uncovered widespread problems with their management and regulation.

The Auditor-General Dr Maxine Cooper found the ACT Property Group’s management of the Parkwood Road Recycling Estate has been poor, citing evidence of communication failures and unresolved disagreements.

She has called for the purpose of the Estate to be clarified, rents to be increased and a long-term management plan set up.

Dr Cooper also wants a management plan put in place for the Hume Estate.

The report has recommended the Government activate legislation which sets up a waste regulator.

Dr Cooper says the position is needed to assist with the stockpiling of recycling material and control the storage of waste.

The report has also criticised the Government’s planning and the unanticipated costs associated with the management of computer and television e-waste.

The Government agrees in part with that recommendation, but describes it as an interim measure only.

But Opposition spokesperson Alistair Coe says the report confirms fears that had already been raised by the Canberra Liberals.

“In May 2010, the issue of fire management was raised with ACT Labor, however those concerns were ignored,” he said.

“Then in August 2011, despite numerous warnings, a fire occurred in wood stockpiles at the Parkwood Estate that smouldered for days.”

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