CEPD sets sights on Taiwan biofuel sector

Taiwan could benefit greatly from expansion of the biofuel industry, the Council for Economic Planning and Development said April 3.

Biofuel can contribute to energy diversification, year-round use of agricultural land and environmental protection, as well as help raise the nation’s energy self-sufficiency and farming income, according to the CEPD.

Information from US-based clean-technology research and consulting firm Clean Edge shows that global biofuel production surpassed 100 million kiloliters in 2010, for a total value of roughly US$56.4 billion. This figure is expected to reach US$112.8 billion by the year 2020.

In response to energy conservation and carbon reduction trends, Taiwan implemented a regulation in May 2008 requiring that all diesel fuels for automobiles contain at least 1 percent biofuel, with the proportion upped to 2 percent in 2010.

In 2011, state-run China Steel, Taiwan’s largest steel-maker, together with Kao Yuan University and National Formosa University, succeeded in developing a second-generation biofuel from pyrolysis of rice straw and coffee grounds, which after further testing could gradually replace conventional automobile fuels.

State-owned petroleum giant CPC Taiwan began planting Jatropha curcas trees on 100,000 hectares of land in the Indonesian province of East Kalimantan in May 2011 to provide a low-cost and stable supply of biodiesel for domestic enterprises.

CPC planted Jatropha curcus trees on 3 hectares of land in Taiwan in October 2008, in cooperation with the Council for Agriculture, with the aim of selecting first-rate strains and planting models so as to gradually expand domestic production of alternative energies from nonfood crops.

Given that Taiwan imports 99 percent of its energy resources, biofuels have a crucial role to play in the country’s development, the CEPD said.

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