Defence looking at biofuel

Duncan Lewis thrived in the elite SAS and distinguished himself in Australian public service.

But one of his biggest achievements may be fuelled by alcohol, eucalyptus oil and crop stubble: three items which may one day go into the fuel for a jet or warship.

Like the head of any household, the Defence Department secretary needs to lower electricity and fuel costs. And reduce energy consumption to help the environment.

Three-quarters of the Australian government’s energy use can be traced back to Defence, according to the latest Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency review.

The Defence Department owns 25,000 buildings and powering them releases 747,187 tonnes of carbon dioxide a year, 5 per cent less than a decade ago.

Defence’s fuel use releases 872,162 tonnes of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere a year, 43 per cent less than a decade ago.

Despite the improvements, the Defence Department is now looking at alternative fuels and batteries to mitigate energy use.

”We do see potential in naval operations and powering ship engines,” Mr Lewis said.

”They’re even used it in aircraft.”

The Defence Science and Technology Organisation and University of Tasmania are working out how to use alcohol molecules in jet fuel, according to a Defence spokeswoman.

The organisation is working with the US Navy to find out how it can use biofuel, made from plants and crops, in warships without having to change existing propulsion and power systems.

It is also working with Australian researchers to convert plant residue into aviation fuel and looking at whether a part of eucalyptus oil could be used.

Apart from finding new fuels, the organisation is also working with the navy to make hulls more slippery so ships use less fuel.

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