Indonesian government conditions for exports of mining materials

The Indonesia government has issued a regulation requiring companies exporting 14 raw mining materials to meet five conditions.

“There are five conditions that they must meet before they could export mining minerals,” minister of energy and mineral resources Jero Wacik said here on Friday.

The first condition put in a ministerial regulation is they must pay 20 percent export duty while the second condition is they must have “clean and clear” certificates.

Other conditions include having paid all taxes and non-tax obligations, presenting their processing and refining plans and signing integrity pact.

Jero said the integrity pact states that they will not export raw minerals after 2014 and protect the environment.

“After 2014 the companies may not reject it as they have been given time as of now,” he said.

The minister said the requirements are effective as of May 6, 2012.

He said so far 82 out of 400 mining companies have already submitted proposals with regard to their processing plan.

With regard to coal, the minister said the government would issue a regulation to control it in June 2012.

The 14 mining commodities affected by the regulation are copper, gold, silver, tin, lead, chromium, platinum, bauxite, iron ore, iron sand, nickel, molibdenum, manganese and antimonate.

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