The Japanese Government has decided to provide between 10 and 15 billion JPY ($128.9 million - $193.3 million) for a water project in Viet Nam through the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA), Nikkei said.
As early as this year, JICA will either loan or invest the sum in a joint venture to be set up by Japanese and Vietnamese firms, the Japanese daily of Nikkei reported, adding that Viet Nam’s Viwaseen Corp. and Japan’s Metawater Co. are expected to participate.
The project will involve building water supply networks and sewerage treatment facilities in Ha Noi and its environs. JICA is expected to start an official project assessment this month.
In addition to the water system, JICA will soon start screening other foreign-aid projects, such as school construction in Viet Nam and an anti-poverty initiative in Pakistan.