KPK proceed with solar-power equipment investigation

Graft convict Muhammad Nazaruddin arrived on Wednesday at the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) to testify in the solar-power equipment procurement scandal at the Manpower and Transmigration Ministry.

Nazaruddin, a former Democratic Party treasurer, said that he would give information on the role of Democratic Party deputy secretary-general Saan Mustopa in the procurement project.

“Yes I will give information about him [Saan Mustopa] today,” Nazaruddin told reporter upon his arrival at the KPK building on Wednesday.

He claims that Saan masterminded the fraud. Nazaruddin met with Saan, Democratic Party chairman Anas Urbaningrum and former Manpower and Transmigration minister Erman Suparno to talk about the project.

The Rp 8.9 billion (US$928,534) procurement was initiated during Erman’s tenure in 2008.

On Wednesday last week, the commission questioned Saan who denied any involvement in the project, insisting he knew nothing about it.

Nazaruddin maintains a meeting took place, and there was a receipt as evidence of the meeting. He accused that Saan had enjoyed a share of the Rp 2.7 billion obtained from the project.

“There is a receipt, the meeting was arranged by Mas Anas and it took place at night, there were me, Anas, Saan, and Erman Suparno, however, the project was arranged by Saan,” he said.

So far, only a ministry’s official named Timas Ginting has been convicted. He was sentenced to two years imprisonment earlier this year.

Aside from Ginting the commission has named Neneng Sri Wahyuni, wife of Nazaruddin.

Nazaruddin and Neneng, the Indonesian Bonnie and Clyde, allegedly accepted Rp 2.7 billion from the solar-power procurement, that has cost Rp 3.8 billion in state losses.

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