Sabah channels energy into going green

Sabah is set to lead the way in renewable energy with various sustainable power generation projects in the making, Chief Minister Datuk Musa Aman said.

For a start, state-owned POIC Sdn Bhd is developing a RM280mil biomass plant with a South Korean firm at the Lahad Datu palm oil industrial cluster.

“The project, scheduled for commissioning by late 2012, will use vast quantities of biomass (oil palm waste) for energy generation, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

“The project has the potential to make Sabah a role model for clean energy in South-East Asia,” he said in his speech read out by state Resource Development and Information Technology Minister Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai at the launch of a roadshow on green technology here yesterday.

Musa said utility company Sabah Electricity Sdn Bhd (SESB) was also working towards generating more than 100mW (megawatts) of power through renewable means.

“SESB is currently (leading) Malaysia on renewable energy with 32mW capacity, representing 3% of Sabah’s energy generation share against the national average of less than 0.5%.”

On another issue, Musa said the Sabah Economic Development Corporation recently signed an MoU with a firm for ventures into the production of organic fertilisers from oil palm waste, recycling of waste water and the recovery of useful by-products from the palm oil industry.

He added that there was big potential for the use of green technology in Sabah.

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