Singapore hotels to reduce, reuse, recycle

To improve waste management in the hotel industry, the Singapore Hotel Association (SHA) and National Environment Agency (NEA) have jointly launched the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle) Programme for Hotels.

This initiative aims to help hotels achieve better waste management and increase waste recycling rates.

NEA said it is part of ongoing outreach effort to encourage different industry sectors to play their part to recycle and contribute towards the recycling rate target of 70 per cent by 2030.

Currently, it is estimated that hotels in Singapore produce about 60,000 tonnes of solid waste a year and less than 10 per cent of the waste is being recycled.

The voluntary programme will require the hotel partners to set up a system to reduce solid waste, which entails the formation of a committee. The green committee will conduct waste audits, set waste reduction and recycling goals, and review existing practices.

The NEA will provide training to the committee so that they are equipped with relevant knowledge and skills to develop their 3R plans.

About 35 per cent of SHA-member hotels have signed up for the programme.

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