The business case for corporate sustainability in Malaysia:
A multi-stakeholder approach

Global interest in sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG) has grown exponentially since 2019 with more reports, books and articles being published by a variety of sources.
Based on the Google Trends database, searches for “ESG” and “Sustainability” globally remained at the same level from 2004 to approximately 2019, indicating a niche interest. However, since 2019, mainstream interest in both topics has spiked exponentially.

Peak global Google search for “ESG” (Red) and “Sustainability” (Blue) from January 2004 to October 2023. Source: Google Trends Database
Peak global Google search for “ESG” (Red) and “Sustainability” (Blue) from January 2004 to October 2023. Source: Google Trends Database
Publications from expert sources, such as academic journals and industry reports, are readily available. Many demonstrate the correlation between sustainable practices and corporate performance. However, there is a lack of a Malaysia-centric reports, as these studies typically focus on developed markets.
To address this gap, the CEO Action Network (CAN) conducted the first Malaysian multi-stakeholder survey. The survey ran for a period of five months in the second half of 2022 and was led by four CAN members from diverse sectors: CIMB Bank Berhad, GHL Systems Berhad, IMPACTO Sendirian Berhad, and KSK Group Berhad, in partnership with Sunway University. In total, the survey garnered responses from over 1,000 individuals, representing a wide range of age groups and socioeconomic backgrounds, thereby adding to the robustness of the findings.
This report outlines the key findings from the survey and examines how evolving trends, increased regulation, and heightened consumer expectations, are changing the corporate sustainability landscape in Malaysia.
Stakeholders surveyed include:
● 605 individual consumers to gauge the demand for sustainable products.
● 8 large institutional investors to understand the supply of capital for sustainable businesses.
● 39 CAN members/businesses to understand business sustainable practices.
● 665 individual employees to understand how their local talent pool views sustainable businesses.
From the survey, we highlighted four key findings:
i) Sustainability is overwhelmingly important to key stakeholders: consumers, employees, investors, and businesses, across all three ESG aspects.
ii) Stakeholders are demanding sustainability from businesses. Key stakeholder groups go as far as penalising businesses that fail to meet ESG standards.
iii) Businesses see the need for sustainability and almost all have already benefited from their sustainability efforts.
iv) Sustainability is already embedded in day-to-day business due to the demand for sustainability disclosures and reporting.
Key finding 1:
Sustainability is overwhelmingly important to key stakeholders

Sustainability is found to be vital to the following stakeholders:
● Consumers: More than 90 per cent of consumers surveyed say that they are sustainability-conscious and that they go the extra mile to practise sustainability in their day-to-day actions.
● Employees: The majority of employees care about their company’s sustainability efforts, actively participate in the company’s sustainability programmes, and want to do more.
● Investors: All investors surveyed said that they include ESG considerations in their investment decisions.
● Businesses: Businesses are addressing ESG risks within their operations, with a majority extending their commitments to their supply chain.
Consumers are sustainability-conscious
Consumers are becoming increasingly sustainability-conscious and have a heightened awareness of their impact on society and the planet. 63 per cent of consumers reported that they are more sustainability-conscious than three years ago.
One factor contributing to this heightened awareness is the shift in platforms used to communicate sustainability issues. Previously, sustainability topics were primarily discussed in targeted media, such as academic publications. However, in recent years, the focus has shifted to mainstream media platforms, including social media, leading to increased awareness of sustainability issues among the general public. A particular study highlights how this is especially true for individuals from Generation Z.
Consumers have internalised their knowledge of sustainability and have an understanding of how human actions negatively impact humankind. For example, 94 per cent of respondents said that they understand how human actions contribute to and exacerbate climate change. They recognise the severity of sustainability issues and their impact on the environment and society.
The growing awareness and understanding of sustainability issues among consumers has led to increasing concerns not just for personal well-being, but also for future generations. 93 per cent are “worried” or “very worried” about climate change and the majority of consumers further reported high concern about the environmental effects of pollution and biodiversity loss.
Consumers practice sustainability in their everyday lives
Consumers’ awareness, understanding and concern are driving them to take action. They are willing to undertake a range of actions, even those that require additional effort such as recycling and separating waste at home, with 90 per cent of consumers report taking some kind of action to address environmental concerns at least 25 per cent of the time.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Consumers are not only taking action to address sustainability issues in their personal lives, but they are also influencing those within their social circles to do the same. 59 per cent of consumers report influencing their social circle to purchase sustainable products.
In summary, this growing awareness, understanding, and willingness by consumers to take action demonstrates a significant shift in consumer’s commitment and behaviour towards sustainability.
Employees are highly supportive of their company’s sustainability efforts and want to do more
Employees are actively seeking a better understanding of their company’s ESG risks and impact with 61 per cent reported reading and understanding the company’s Sustainability Report. This high level of awareness of the importance of sustainability has resulted in more employees taking positive action. 82 per cent of employees have taken the time to learn about their company’s sustainability efforts, with 71 per cent of employees actively participating in their company’s sustainability programmes. This suggests that there is an overall high buy-in and support from employees which is critical to achieve the company's sustainability objectives.
Our survey, however, also found that companies are not providing enough sustainability-related opportunities, with half of employees surveyed noting that would like to be assigned more sustainability-focused work. This suggests that companies have an opportunity to tap into employees’ motivation to further their shared sustainable goals.
Furthermore, almost all employees surveyed said that they also apply their awareness and concern for sustainability in their personal lives, and go as far as influencing others in their social circles to adopt sustainable practices. As a result, employees can act as agents of change both within and outside of their work capacity, suggesting that internal efforts extend beyond the workplace. Companies that recognise and support employees’ interest and concern in sustainability issues can create a sense of shared commitment to sustainability that impacts both the business and the wider community.
Overall, employees highly support their companies’ sustainability objectives and projects and have expressed continued interest.
Globally, investors are increasingly interested in investing in sustainable businesses
ESG investing has emerged as one of the most rapidly growing trends within the investment community, exerting pressure on companies to prioritise sustainability.
ESG assets under management (AUM) are projected to reach US$53 trillion and could account for over a third of the projected global total of US$140.5 trillion by 2025. A 2021 study by Bloomberg Intelligence further suggests that investment managers will compete for around US$9 trillion in fresh ESG AUM between 2022 and 2025 as the overall AUM surpasses US$50 trillion.
The sustainable investment trend has led to a significant increase in the number of Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) signatories. Between 2021 to 2022, PRI welcomed 1,069 new signatories, bringing the total of signatories to 4,902 and an estimated total of AUM of US$ 121.3 trillion. These signatories are committed to incorporating ESG into their investments and practices.

Source: Principles for Responsible Investment
Source: Principles for Responsible Investment
This trend is mirrored in Malaysia
Sustainable and Responsible Investment (SRI) is becoming increasingly mainstream. Since the first SRI fund in 2018, there are now 63 SRI funds in the market with a combined net asset value of around RM4.8 billion.
Additionally, all institutional investors have established internal sustainability frameworks with many requiring ESG material risk disclosure as part of their investment process. These frameworks often rely on ESG and sustainability reports to support their portfolio and investment choices.
● Employees Provident Fund has an SRI framework that guides their investments in companies that demonstrate sound ESG practices.
● Khazanah Nasional Berhad’s sustainable development framework guides their investments and encourages sustainable practices in their portfolio companies.
● Permodalan Nasional Berhad’s responsible investment framework considers ESG factors in their investment decisions and engages with investee companies to encourage sustainable practices.
Investors are including sustainability in their investing strategies
With 100 per cent of investors surveyed reporting that they include ESG considerations in decision-making, it is now seen as standard practice. This shift in investment practices suggests that sustainability is no longer a peripheral consideration but a fundamental part of investment strategies. One common approach is to exclude companies that do not align with their values or tilt their portfolio towards companies that lead in ESG measures. 75 per cent of investors incorporate ESG data alongside traditional analysis into the selection process, while 50 per cent exercise active ownership such as engaging with companies to initiate changes in behaviour or in company policies and practices.
Internally, investors are also integrating sustainability into their operations. 63 per cent of investors surveyed are now setting net zero targets for scope 1 and 2 emissions by 2030 or 2050, which covers vehicle emissions and the emissions that result from purchasing electricity to power their buildings. Investors are also setting net zero targets for their Scope 3 emissions. This also includes financed emissions, which are emissions generated as a result of financial services, investments, and lending by investors and companies that provide financial services.
Businesses are committing to ESG due to the evolving landscape
Businesses are increasingly facing push-factors to integrate ESG into their operations and decision-making processes, including tightening regulations, increasing consumer demand for sustainable products and services, and the need to mitigate risk amid rising investor scrutiny, all while maintaining long-term financial performance. For example, the government of Malaysia has implemented policies and initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable business practices. This includes establishing a governance structure helmed by the National Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Council chaired by the Prime Minister, as well as aligning the National Development Plans to the SDGs.
These various factors continue to push Malaysian businesses to take a more proactive approach to ESG and integrate ESG considerations into their operations. This is seen in the rapid growth of the FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia Index as more companies address ESG risks to meet the requirements to remain or be added to the index.
Businesses are also further considering their impact beyond their internal operations. This includes supporting the adoption of UN Guiding Principles throughout their value chain and requiring their supply chain to adhere to national and international standards of ESG components. As of 2022, 55 per cent of CAN members include supply chain as a material matter in their annual sustainability report.
In today's dynamic business landscape, sustainability is steadily solidifying its position as a fundamental pillar within the standard operations of more companies. This evolution is propelled by a convergence of multifaceted factors, most notably growing consumer awareness, increasing employee employees, evolving financing requirements and trends, and heightened scrutiny and demands on the supply chain.

Key finding 2:
Demanding sustainability from businesses

There is an undeniable trend towards demanding sustainability from businesses.
● Consumers: 81 per cent of consumers prioritise sustainability as an important factor in their purchasing decisions.
● Employees: 83 per cent of employees surveyed would consider changing jobs if businesses were not practising sustainability.
● Investors: The majority of investors are actively influencing their investee companies towards more sustainable practices, including divesting from specific assets or sectors due to ESG concerns and risks.
● Regulators: Regulators in Malaysia, such as Bank Negara Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia, and the Securities Commission, are taking bold strides to enforce sustainability practices through robust policies and frameworks, driving a transformative shift towards sustainable business practices in the country.
[A] company that doesn’t embark on a sustainability journey will be left out from the business eventually.
Consumer preferences strongly favour purchasing goods from sustainable businesses
Consumer behaviour is globally shifting towards environmentally and socially responsible products and services, driven by factors such as increased awareness of the impact of consumerism and the growing availability of sustainable options.
The trend is mirrored at home in Malaysia. When rating whether it is important for them to purchase products and services from an environmentally responsible company, 75 per cent of consumers rated ‘important’ to ‘very important’. This appears to be a relatively recent trend in Malaysia: 62 per cent of consumers surveyed said that they actively search for sustainable products and businesses at least half of the time, compared to just 37 per cent in 2019.
Sustainability has become one of the top three considerations for consumers when making purchases, surpassing brand name and product aesthetics in importance.
The top three priorities when buying a product are:
1. Quality: 94.7 per cent
2. Price: 84.4 per cent
3. Sustainability: 61.8 per cent
This strengthens that sustainability is no longer merely a nice-to-have feature, but a value proposition that can drive sales and increase customer loyalty. Businesses must prioritise sustainability and demonstrate their commitment through tangible actions and initiatives.
Consumers’ considerations when looking for a sustainable product or business
77 per cent of surveyed consumers reported that they look for environmental certifications and recognitions at least 25 per cent of the time. These may include MyHIJAU MARK, Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certification for pulp and paper products, and GreenRE and Green Building Index (GBI) for real estate, which are endorsed by the government and specific to various industries. Consumers also judge a product and/or business based on external attributes, such as packaging, with almost 90 per cent of consumers avoiding products with excessive packaging.
Consumers surveyed have a broad definition of sustainable business practices. They expect sustainable businesses to address their environmental impact, treat their waste responsibly, actively reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, and have good labour practices.
In essence, businesses must do more than just claim themselves as sustainable; they must back their claims with relevant certifications and adhere to ESG best practices. While some actions may require substantial resources, businesses can start with less resource-intensive steps such as reducing packaging. This not only cuts production costs but also drives sales. It is crucial for businesses to support their sustainability claims with tangible actions and initiatives covering all aspects of ESG to earn consumer trust and loyalty.
Consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable products and would go as far as boycotting brands that are environmentally or socially irresponsible
Customers are willing to pay more for sustainable products. More than half (52 per cent) are willing to pay 20 per cent or more for sustainable products, with 20 per cent of consumers willing to pay double the price.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Conversely, consumers are willing to boycott companies that do not align with their values. 80 per cent of consumers surveyed would boycott companies that harm the environment or engage in forced labour. Companies engaging in environmentally damaging practices or employing forced labour risk losing a significant portion of their customer base unless they are transparent and take steps to address these issues.
Consumers now have access to more information than ever before and can easily research a company's environmental and labour practices. Social media platforms provide a space for consumers to voice their concerns and mobilise others to take action. As a result, companies must be proactive in addressing these issues to avoid negative publicity and consumer boycotts.
The growing preference for environmentally and socially responsible products highlights sustainability's crucial role in shaping consumer choices.
Consumers' readiness to pay more for sustainable products and boycott brands lacking ethical alignment necessitates transparent and responsible practices. In today's information-driven era, proactively addressing environmental and labour concerns is essential to preserve reputation and consumer trust.

Employees value the sustainability practices in their companies
Business operations have significant impacts on the environment and society. According to a Carbon Majors study, 100 active fossil fuel producers, including Shell, ExxonMobil, and Gazprom, have been responsible for 71 per cent of industrial greenhouse gas emissions since 1988. As employees become more aware of the impact of business activities, they are likely to demand more from their organisations and hold businesses accountable for driving sustainability efforts.
90 per cent of employees emphasise the importance of a company being responsible to the environment and local communities. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to take the lead in implementing sustainable practices to gain and maintain the trust and loyalty of their stakeholders, including employees.
It is important that businesses maintain responsibility across all aspects of ESG. To be a sustainable employer, a company must not only adhere to good labour and board practices but also engage with the community, particularly those affected by its operations, and be mindful of its environmental footprint.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Employees feel that their companies are falling short in their efforts to support sustainable goals, as the majority of employees gave average or below-average scores when asked to rate their companies' initiatives related to the environment and social responsibility. Over 50 per cent of employees are dissatisfied with their company’s sustainability practices and believe that their companies do not allocate enough resources to achieve shared sustainability objectives. This presents a significant opportunity for businesses to improve.
To capitalise on this opportunity, businesses can start by implementing simple yet effective measures that can have a meaningful impact on sustainability without requiring extensive resources. Initiatives may include conducting energy audits, implementing recycling and waste management programmes, selecting sustainable suppliers, encouraging employee involvement in sustainability initiatives, and providing regular training and education.
Through such measures, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, address employee concerns, and lay the foundation for more comprehensive and impactful sustainability practices. This can also boost employee morale, engagement, and pride in their organisation's sustainability journey.
Employees are looking to work for businesses that prioritise sustainability
It is crucial for companies to prioritise their sustainability practices in order to attract and retain talent. Today’s workforce seeks to align with organisations that share their personal values and contribute positively to the environment and society. When evaluating job opportunities, ethical business practices were ranked as the most important factor after remuneration, location, and flexibility.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Additionally, 83 per cent of employees would at least consider switching jobs if their current employer did not prioritise sustainability, which underscores the significance of sustainability in the workplace. This statistic emphasises the growing importance of sustainable practices in attracting and retaining the best talents. It highlights the urgent need for companies to implement sustainable practices to attract and retain top talent, as this is critical to their business success.
Employees view themselves as personally accountable for achieving their companies’ sustainability goals
A majority of employees surveyed feel a personal responsibility to play their part in achieving their company’s sustainability goals through participating in the company’s sustainability initiatives and training. 71 per cent have participated in their company’s sustainability initiatives, while more than 50 per cent have attended sustainability training and awareness sessions.
Furthermore, employees are eager to play a more active role and take up leadership positions in sustainability projects. Almost half of all employees surveyed seek sustainability-focused assignments and want them to be included in their performance assessments.
Companies have an opportunity to capitalise on this momentum to achieve shared sustainability goals. Engaging with employees through sustainability initiatives, for instance, can increase their sense of fulfilment at work and lead to improved talent retention.
In conclusion, with increased awareness of a company’s impact on the environment, employees increasingly value sustainable practices within companies. To maintain loyalty, businesses must lead in sustainability, addressing environmental and social responsibilities, and perceived shortfalls. Starting with simple yet effective initiatives, companies can showcase commitment, boost morale, and attract talent.
Investors are steering businesses towards sustainable practices
Beyond establishing sustainability frameworks and providing ESG investments, investors are also deploying different methods to influence the businesses they have invested in to transition towards sustainable business models. The four main methods are direct engagement, creating targets, shareholder activism and strategic divestment. At the most extreme, a quarter of investors reported that they divest from unsustainable companies.
● Direct Engagement: 88 per cent of institutional investors prefer to engage with the companies they invest in and provide guidance on sustainable practices through one-on-one meetings, workshops and training sessions.
● Specific, time-bound targets: 50 per cent create specific, time-bound targets for the companies they invest in. These targets can include reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing renewable energy use, or improving employee diversity.
● Shareholder activism: 38 per cent use shareholder activism to influence business by using their voting rights to push for sustainable practices. This can include voting against the reappointment of directors who are seen as unsupportive of sustainable practices.
● Strategic divestment: 25 per cent implement strategic divestment by selling shares in companies that are seen as unsustainable. This can include divesting from companies involved in fossil fuels, tobacco, or other controversial industries.
Businesses must be prepared to respond to current investors utilising these methods. Most importantly, businesses must start moving towards institutionalising sustainable practices to avoid strategic divestments.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Banks are also aligning finance with sustainability goals
A significant shift is occurring within the banking sector towards adopting ESG risk management approaches, particularly for sectors that are environmentally or socially sensitive.
According to a 2021 survey by PwC on Malaysian banks:
● 21 per cent have embedded all three key ESG-related frameworks*.
● 71 per cent say they have considered climate change risks.
● More than 90 per cent have assigned a department to operationalise ESG.
The banking sector’s ESG focus is supported by BNM’s Financial Sector Blueprint, which aims for at least 50 per cent of new financing and investment to be green or transitioning to green by 2026. This blueprint is expected to result in a smaller pool of capital being available for non-green activities, thereby potentially driving differentiated financing costs for green versus brown activities.
Given this landscape, businesses seeking financing will increasingly need to align with ESG criteria to secure funding and remain competitive in the market.
*Climate Change and Principle-based Taxonomy (CCPT), Value-based Intermediation Assessment Framework (VBIAF), Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
Regulatory pressure further drives sustainability adoption
Regulators in Malaysia are strongly compelling businesses to adopt sustainability practices, signalling a shift towards sustainable and responsible business practices in the country. Some key regulators include:
1. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM)
The Financial Sector Blueprint for 2022-2026, delineating BNM's development priorities for this period, prominently features sustainability as one of its five key strategic thrusts. As part of this focus, BNM has issued several policy documents on responsible financing, requiring financial institutions to integrate ESG considerations in their lending and investment activities. BNM has also introduced specific guides to further assist financial institutions in their sustainability journey:
i) Value-based Intermediation Financing and Investment Impact Assessment Framework (VBIAF) aims to facilitate the implementation of an impact-based risk management system for assessing the financing and investment activities of Islamic financial institutions in line with their respective VBI commitments.

Bank Negara Malaysia. Image: The Star
Bank Negara Malaysia. Image: The Star
ii) Climate Change Principles-Based Taxonomy (CCPT) serves as a classification system for economic activities contributing to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
2. Bursa Malaysia
Since 2015, Bursa Malaysia has mandated Sustainable Reporting Requirements for publicly listed companies, with revisions strengthening the requirements over the years. The latest revision was announced in 2022, which includes the following enhanced reporting requirements:
i) Common sustainability matters and indicators deemed material for all listed issuers.
ii) Climate change-related disclosures aligned with the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
iii) Enhanced quantitative information, including at least three years' data for each reported indicator and corresponding targets.
iv) A statement on whether the Sustainability Statement has been internally reviewed or independently assured.
3. Securities Commission Malaysia (SC)
The SC introduced Social and Responsible Investing (SRI) Roadmap in 2018, which outlines a series of initiatives to encourage the integration of ESG factors in investment decision-making processes. In 2021, the SC issued an update to the Malaysian Code of Corporate Governance (MCCG) focused on, among others, board policies and practices on the selection and nomination of processes/criteria for directors, and role of the board and senior management in addressing sustainability risks and opportunities of the company. Regulators have also imposed fines and requirements to enforce ESG compliance. For instance, the SC has mandated listed companies to disclose their ESG practices through their annual reports, with failure to do so resulting in penalties or fines.

Adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Image: UNEP
Adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework. Image: UNEP
Regulatory pressure set to ramp up
The Malaysian government has also committed to passing targeted legislation and establishing specific bodies to monitor their implementation across the nation. This commitment is partly driven by Malaysia’s international commitments. Two upcoming initiatives include:
1. Climate Change Act
The National Policy on Climate Change was established in 2009 to address climate change issues, strengthen institutions, and establish policies to mitigate its effects. The government announced in 2022 that a legal framework for climate change was being drafted, which would establish the foundation for a Climate Change Act. The development of the national climate change bill is anticipated to span two to three years, as indicated by the statement made by Minister Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad of Natural Resources, Environment, and Climate Change in Parliament in February 2023.
2. Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework Adoption
The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework was adopted during the 15th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15). It aims to achieve a world living in harmony with nature by 2050 and sets specific goals and targets for 2030. The Malaysian government has committed to incorporating this Framework into its National Policy on Biological Diversity 2016-2025. Additionally, a proposal to establish the Malaysia Biodiversity Centre as a statutory body will soon be presented to the Cabinet.
The regulatory push for sustainability is not unique to Malaysia. In Indonesia, the financial services authority Otoritas Jasa Keuangan has introduced the Indonesian Green Taxonomy and legislated a carbon tax. Similarly, in Singapore, the Monetary Authority has published Environmental Risk Management Guidelines and passed the Carbon Pricing Act, which includes a ramping price curve.
Balancing pressure with incentives
To alleviate the regulatory burden, regulators are actively supporting businesses in their transition efforts. One notable initiative in this regard is the Green Technology Tax Incentive, introduced in 2014. This programme offers two distinct incentives to industry players. Companies seeking to acquire eligible green technology assets listed in the MyHIJAU Directory or those engaged in qualifying green technology projects for business or internal use can apply for the Green Investment Tax Allowance (GITA). Meanwhile, the Green Income Tax Exemption (GITE) is accessible to qualifying green technology service providers that are listed in the MyHIJAU Directory.
To increase financial support for projects aimed at mitigating or offsetting their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, Bursa Malaysia has developed Malaysia's own voluntary carbon market exchange. The inaugural auction took place on March 16, 2023. This move aligns with regional efforts and is crucial to keeping the country competitive and up to date in sustainability practices.
In conclusion, businesses today find themselves at the intersection of multiple stakeholder pressures, all converging towards a common goal: the adoption of sustainable practices. From customers and employees to investors and regulators, the call for sustainable and responsible business conduct is resounding.
Embracing ESG not only aligns with societal values and expectations, but also opens doors to opportunities for innovation, growth, and long-term resilience. To thrive in this evolving landscape, companies must heed these signals and embark on a journey toward sustainable, ethical, and profitable business practices.
Key finding 3:
Businesses see the need for sustainability

There is a compelling business case for sustainability, leading to gains in business value.
● The primary driver for companies adopting sustainability is the pursuit of increased business value.
● Almost all companies have realised or anticipate business value gains from their sustainability initiatives, spanning various sectors.
● While businesses of all types benefit from sustainability investments, non-listed companies have demonstrated greater gains in business growth compared to their listed counterparts.
● Even modest investments in sustainable initiatives yield returns for companies.
The top driver for Malaysian businesses embarking on sustainability is recognising gains in business value
More businesses in Malaysia are seeing the business case for sustainability, with gains in business value being the main reason, followed by an enhanced brand reputation, and the mitigation or avoidance of risks.
While regulatory compliance and meeting investors’ requirements may be perceived to be the main factors in motivating listed companies to embark on sustainability, the majority of the listed companies surveyed (69 per cent) prioritise business value as their top reason for doing so.
For non-listed companies, the desire to increase business value is also a motivator to pursue sustainability initiatives with 80 per cent of such companies citing it as their top driving force.
Creation of value would come from multiple sources, which include trust being built with key customers (largely global customers with strict sustainability requirements), premiums from sales of sustainable products and creation of new businesses.
The top 5 reasons for embarking on sustainability are:
1. Business value gains
2. Enhanced brand reputation
3. Mitigation/Avoidance of risk
4. Regulatory compliance
5. Investors’ requirements
Decarbonisation has been a top focus area to drive gains in business value
Tackling carbon emissions, energy consumption and employee well-being are emerging key focus areas, as they help businesses to improve their reputation, reduce operating costs and increase customer loyalty.
Corporate governance is crucial for sustainable businesses and prioritised by most companies, especially listed companies, due to requirements by Bursa Malaysia.
Overall, the top focus areas for businesses are somewhat balanced across the three pillars of sustainability i.e. ESG.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
A vast majority of companies across all sectors have experienced gains in business value or are expecting to from their sustainability programmes
Encouragingly, most, if not all companies surveyed have derived business value from their sustainability programmes. An overwhelming 97 per cent of companies have gained, or are expecting to gain, business value from their sustainability initiatives, cutting across all sectors. This indicates a growing awareness among businesses about the benefits of integrating sustainability into their overall business strategy.
Remarkably, all surveyed companies in the energy, utilities and plantation sectors have already reported gaining business value from their sustainability initiatives, highlighting the positive impact of sustainability across different industries.
Furthermore, there is a clear correlation between the timeline of companies measuring and disclosing their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the realisation of business value. This suggests that companies that have been implementing sustainability initiatives for a longer period of time are more likely to see gains in business value, underscoring the potential for long-term success through investing in sustainability initiatives.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Sustainability programmes generate a multitude of business benefits, including enhanced brand reputation and investor confidence, across all types of organisations
Investing in sustainability programmes has been shown to generate a multitude of benefits for businesses. The survey results reveal that businesses have indeed successfully achieved their desired business outcomes by prioritising sustainability efforts, with enhanced brand reputation being the most significant gain realised (54 per cent of surveyed businesses with business gains) followed by improved investor confidence, which has had a positive impact on financial gains, particularly among listed companies. Moreover, sustainability initiatives have enabled businesses to achieve other notable benefits, such as increased market share, employee retention, and cost savings.
It is worth noting that SMEs and non-listed companies have also experienced substantial gains from implementing sustainability programmes with 44 per cent of SMEs and unlisted companies reporting enhanced brand reputation. This highlights that benefits which come with sustainability efforts have an impact beyond only listed and large companies.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Companies begin to yield returns from sustainable investments even from modest amounts
Contrary to common belief, cost and resource barriers are not significant constraints for companies when it comes to embracing sustainability. Many companies view sustainability initiatives as strategic investments rather than mere expenses. Despite most companies allocating less than 10 per cent of their expenditure to sustainability initiatives, a majority have already gained business value. This suggests that companies do not have to invest large amounts of funds in sustainability efforts before they start to see returns.
Beyond ‘expenditures’, we have business units in green technologies and renewables. We see this as a pivotal investment.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
In brief, Malaysian businesses are embracing sustainability for concrete gains, especially in business value. This applies universally to listed and non-listed companies, as key areas like decarbonisation boost reputation and efficiency. Positive responses from various sectors highlight the effectiveness of sustainability in generating business value. Commitment over time correlates with lasting gains, fostering benefits from reputation to cost savings. Notably, even modest investments yield returns, challenging the belief that significant spending is essential.
Key finding 4:
Sustainability is already embedded in day-to-day business

Sustainability has already become an integral part of everyday business operations.
● Sustainability commitment spans all business sizes: A majority of small-cap, SMEs, and unlisted companies, exceeding 50 per cent in our survey, are actively establishing, measuring, and publicly disclosing their sustainability objectives.
● Growing investments in sustainability: Businesses are allocating a significant portion of their sustainability budgets, with over 10 per cent dedicated to innovating products that promote sustainability.
● Embracing global reporting standards: A substantial 77 per cent of companies have incorporated the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) into their sustainability reporting, aligning with international reporting standards.
● A holistic approach to impact: Businesses are extending their focus beyond internal operations to assess their impact across the entire value chain. More than half of the surveyed companies have conducted comprehensive human rights risk assessments throughout their value chain.
The board of directors and senior management (of KSK) understands the importance of sustainability for the business…As such, sustainability is also embedded as one of the core brand pillars (of KSK).
Businesses are committing to sustainability
Malaysian companies are showing their dedication to sustainability by setting goals and targets for sustainable practices. The growing number of CAN members is evidence of this, as members are expected to achieve collective commitments on sustainability.
The extent of commitment varies based on company size and type, influenced by regulations, stakeholder expectations, and available resources. Large-cap, mid-cap, and multinational companies (MNCs) emerge as the top three categories actively setting targets to support the 2030 UN SDGs, alongside tracking GHG scope 1 and 2 emissions. While larger entities are logically at the forefront of sustainability due to their resources and expertise, it is crucial to emphasise that over half of small cap, SMEs, and unlisted companies in the survey also establish, measure, and disclose sustainability objectives. This underscores the universal commitment to sustainability across businesses of all scales.
The study shows that the majority of CAN members have publicly set targets for their GHG Scope 1 and 2 emissions. This is an encouraging sign of a growing commitment towards sustainability by Malaysian corporates. 90 per cent of companies that have set public targets are making progress towards meeting them. This demonstrates that these companies are taking proactive steps to reduce their GHG emissions and achieve their sustainability objectives.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Businesses are increasing spending on sustainability
All surveyed companies dedicate a portion of its budget to sustainability expenses. Among the various industries examined, enterprises heavily investing an average of 25 per cent of their budget primarily operate in energy and manufacturing sector. This inclination could be attributed to several factors. For instance, industries facing more risk, such as the energy industry, might encounter greater impetus to shift towards a low-carbon economy, prompting increased spending on sustainability efforts.
Companies predominantly direct their sustainability spending toward enhancing operational sustainability. This entails adopting renewable energy sources to power their premises and employing energy-efficient lighting solutions. Moreover, a substantial portion of companies' sustainability budget—exceeding 10 per cent—is allocated to innovating their product lines.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
We spend 25 to 40 per cent of our revenue to create higher income opportunities for our employees over and above the payroll. Another 5 to 30 per cent of the bottom line goes towards engaging and championing SMEs' orientation on ESG adoption and integration as well as supporting industry initiatives on sustainability.
Businesses are future-proofing their employees with sustainability training
Providing sustainability training to employees is paramount in fostering a resilient and forward-thinking organisational culture. Companies equipped with a workforce educated in sustainability gain a competitive edge. Such training not only ensures compliance with changing regulations but also cultivates a workforce capable of innovating eco-friendly practices, reducing operational costs, and enhancing brand reputation. Businesses understand this and have prioritised sustainability-related training and awareness programmes for their employees. In fact, almost a quarter of companies focus their sustainability expenditure on training their employees.
Sustainability training demands meticulous planning to ensure optimal participation rates. Designing accessible, interactive, and contextually relevant training modules proves most engaging for employees. This is exemplified by the remarkable 71 per cent attendance rate in training sessions. The effectiveness of any training regimen hinges on the inclusion of feedback sessions, during which businesses attentively consider the requisites and apprehensions of their employees, along with the pertinence of the training content. Moreover, companies are demonstrating a commitment to transparency by openly communicating their objectives, advancements, and forthcoming strategies. This multifaceted approach not only enhances the training's impact but also nurtures a culture of collaboration and shared purpose within the organisation.
Businesses are demonstrating credibility through sustainability certifications
To build credibility with consumers and gain a competitive advantage, businesses are obtaining sustainability certifications and recognition through relevant schemes.
One such recognition scheme that is gaining business participation is the MyHIJAU Mark. It consolidates various regional and international green certifications, allowing companies to validate that their products or services meet local and international environmental standards on just one platform. As of 2023, the MyHIJAU Mark has over 13,204 registered products and services from 697 participating companies including CAN members such as Nestle, Sime Darby, Eco Worlds and CIMB among others. This number is expected to grow. Other certifications increasingly sought by companies are ISO 14001 and B Lab, which cover environmental or social criteria.
Sector-specific certifications also exist, such as MPSO and RSPO for sustainable palm oil production, and GBI certification for sustainable property development and buildings.

MyHIJAU Mark registered green products and services certification provider. Image: MGTC via
MyHIJAU Mark registered green products and services certification provider. Image: MGTC via
Businesses are strengthening their sustainability reporting disclosures
Sustainability reporting, while not necessarily a new global phenomenon, is gaining momentum alongside corporate governance and corporate accountability in Malaysia. This can be attributed to an array of factors such as push from stakeholders locally and abroad, tightening regulations, improved standards, and increasing awareness of the returns from quality disclosures.
Globally, sustainability reporting began as early as 1990s, with improvements in guidance and thus the quality of reporting occurring over time. Some global standards commonly used by companies worldwide are the GRI, B Lab, and the more recent ISSB IFRS S1 and S2 standards. Participation in these globally accepted standards grants companies an edge with investors who rely on disclosures as per these standards in making investment decisions.
To increase and maintain the competitive edge of companies in Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia has, since 2016, mandated PLCs to publish a sustainability report. Subsequently, Bursa published reporting requirements, timelines, and guidance documents to improve reporting quality. While mainly focused on PLCs, smaller companies have begun making sustainability disclosures. In fact, through the CAN Collective Commitments, CAN members of all sizes commit to varying degrees of sustainability disclosures.
74 per cent of surveyed companies have disclosed their material sustainability risks, while 77 per cent have embraced the TCFD recommendations in their sustainability reporting. Of the members who have recently unveiled their inaugural comprehensive TCFD-compliant reports, only 33 per cent belong to the large-cap category, highlighting that companies of all sizes are actively producing quality sustainability disclosures. These numbers are set to grow following increased demands from stakeholders, including regulators and investors.
Businesses are setting sustainability-based targets and accompanying roadmaps to achieve them
In response to a global call for businesses to play a part in the transition to a more sustainable planet, businesses are setting sustainability-based targets. Whether it's reducing carbon emissions, minimising waste, or enhancing supply chain transparency, companies are setting sustainability goals to align with global initiatives like the UN SDGs. These targets not only serve as a moral imperative, or in some instances a legal requirement, but also present significant opportunities for innovation, cost reduction, and long-term resilience.
In Malaysia, businesses must be net zero by 2050 in line with the country’s aspirations. While these requirements and national aspirations move businesses towards setting sustainability-related targets, businesses are going above and beyond what is nationally required. 20 per cent of CAN members commit to adopt the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights within three years of joining the network – far above what is required nationally.
While meeting sustainability targets is important, companies must also have the right accompanying roadmaps in place. Almost three-quarters of companies surveyed have developed roadmaps to accompany their carbon reduction targets. By publishing their roadmaps, companies demonstrate transparency and build trust and credibility with their stakeholders, who may hold them accountable to these roadmaps.

Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Source: CEO Action Network Survey
Businesses are respecting human rights across their value chain
In the realm of ESG practices, the social dimension is taking centre stage as businesses increasingly recognise the need to assess and address their impacts both internally and throughout their value chain.
Internally, companies are focusing on ensuring fair treatment for their employees. An impressive 80 per cent of surveyed companies have made public commitments to enhance the holistic well-being of their workforce. Particularly noteworthy are their efforts to eliminate gender discrimination, with a staggering 95 per cent of surveyed businesses actively measuring and disclosing the percentage of female representation in top management roles.
However, the pressure on businesses to be accountable for their actions extends well beyond their own walls. The pandemic-induced disruption of Malaysian businesses due to the U.S. ban on goods, driven by allegations of human rights violations, serves as a stark reminder of the repercussions of a deficient value chain. Nationally, the development of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights underscores the evolving landscape in which companies operate, outlining their responsibilities to safeguard human rights across their entire value chain. These mounting pressures, coupled with growing consumer expectations, are compelling businesses to proactively manage their human rights risks across their value chain. Encouragingly, more than half of the surveyed companies have conducted their own human rights risk assessments, the first step in preventing and remedying human rights violations across their value chain.

Conclusion and next steps

The value of sustainable practices by businesses is abundantly clear to all stakeholders. There is an undeniable trend in Malaysia where stakeholders, across the board, are increasingly demanding sustainability from businesses – a trend that can no longer be disregarded.
Businesses themselves recognise the imperative of sustainability, and nearly all of them have reaped tangible benefits from their sustainability endeavours.
An escalating number of Malaysian businesses have already seamlessly integrated sustainability into their everyday operations, resulting in tangible business value. Therefore, the time for action is now. Sustainability is no longer a mere luxury but a vital ingredient for future-proofing businesses. In summary, businesses that fail to prioritise sustainability risk falling behind in today's rapidly evolving landscape.
Collaboration with organisations (including business and NGOs) allows the company to leverage skills/knowledge and competency to deliver more towards being a collective force for good and contributing to the SDGs.
Companies cannot operate in isolation; collaborative efforts through partnerships are essential for advancing sustainability initiatives. All surveyed CAN members have reported significant benefits from the partnerships formed within the network, primarily in the areas of shared learning and skill development, delivering comprehensive solutions, and collectively driving actions to accelerate progress on sustainability goals. As businesses strategise their future endeavours, the inclusion of plans to harness the benefits of partnerships is of paramount importance.