Visakhapatnam still to wake up to green buildings

Though the green building concept is fast catching up in India, but it has failed to take off in the Port City, which is touted to be the second largest investment destination in the state, with apprehensions over cost and concerns over lack of immediate returns.

Industry sources said that though a slew of construction projects are coming up across Vizag, no green building has been planned either by the private or government sector.

According to experts, misconceptions regarding the cost of constructing green buildings has been the biggest deterrent to companies taking up the eco-friendly solution.

“Compared to non-green buildings, the cost of construction for green structures increases by about 10 to 12 per cent. In addition, the buildings need to have skilled staff to maintain the standards set by the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) once the construction is complete,” said consulting engineer K Leela Prasad.

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