885 research and industry contributions from 61 countries received for the 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition

‘Sustainable Bioenergy‘ one of the Programme’s Key Topics

EU BC&E reports an extremely high number of research and industry abstracts received for the 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (20th EU BC&E), taking place from 18-22 June 2012 (Conference 18-22 June 2012 - Exhibition 18-21 June 2012) in Milano, Italy.

The greater share the of the submitted 885 abstracts (31%) was received for the topic on Biomass Conversion Technologies. Biomass Resources made up for 25% of abstracts and 18% were submitted for Biofuels Production and Supply, of which more than one third is representing the production of 2nd generation bioethanol. The topics Biomass Industrial Initiatives and Biomass Policies accounted for a total of 26% of the abstracts, where the greater share of submitted abstracts for Sustainability Assessment and Criteria confirms the predominant interest for the UN Resolution that proclaims the year 2012 the “International Year of Sustainable Energy for All”.

The global interest in the EU BC&E is evident in the number of 61 countries where the submitted papers originated: all European countries, North and South America, Asia and Africa have contributed. This international exchange on such a high professional level authenticates the EU BC&E’s status as one of world’s leading biomass event for a biomass specialist audience. Biomass as key to our sustainable energy future, is contributing to the global development: in science, technology, industry and applications.

The international scientific committee, made up of 140 experts of the biomass community, completed the evaluation of the submitted abstracts and is currently making its final selections, for the Conference Programme. The Programme is expected to feature 24 plenaries, more than 240 oral, and around 600 visual presentations. As novelty for 2012, special events, e.g. on Biogas, Biowaste to Energy, Biofuels for Aviation, Bioenergy in Smart Grids, have been developed as platform within the Conference, contributing to make the EU BC&E a novel B2B2S Business to Business to Science event.

The detailed conference programme will be online on http://www.conference-biomass.com from April 2012.

Press Inquiries:
Press Office of the 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition
Tel. +39-055-5002280 - ext. 220
E-mail: pressoffice@etaflorence.it

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