ECCO2 Corp gains accreditation from UNFCCC and announces October launch with Carbon Trade Exchange in $700 million cleantech deal for carbon credit trading

ECCO2 Corp, a Texas, USA based not-for-profit organization gains accreditation from United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and announces plans with Carbon Trade Exchange in $700 million clean-tech deal for carbon credit trading of carbon emission offsets generated under the Clean Development Mechanisms and projects supported ECCO2 and ECO Systems advanced technology.

Carbon Trade Exchange (CTX), a Global (London based) carbon credit trading exchange, is the world’s first web based electronic platform for Voluntary Carbon Credits (VERs) and soon will facilitate trading of CERs. CTX bring much needed creditability to the Global Carbon Markets with independent verification, certification, registry and financial clearance, all linked to its unique technology unlike various other trade exchanges. CTX feels ECCO2 is one of the key answers to the current climate change issues and supplier of viable carbon credits available to potential buyers or investors seeking a reliable and trustworthy solution.

Wayne Sharpe, CEO and founder of Carbon Trade Exchange, comments, “Technology and innovation are key to combating climate change and this is certainly a leader in that a liquid transparent market allows the projects and technologies like ECCO2 to get the capital and cash flow they need to expand. Companies buying offsets want variety of locations and credit types and ECCO2 credits will be an attractive option in any carbon neutrality program.”

ECCO2 Corp plans to start live and online trading with Carbon Climate Exchange in October of 2010 with up to 70 million carbon credits (current market value an estimated $700 million USD) generated by various ECCO2 projects in countries as India, Australia, USA, Nigeria, and Haiti and anticipates to generate another 125 million voluntary carbon credits following pending approval by VCS Association, a Washington, D.C. based non-profit organization that qualifies voluntary carbon offset providers. ECCO2 anticipates gaining accreditation with VCS Association just as it has with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to add superior credibility and eligibility for convertible trading solutions within non-annex 1 nations as Haiti, Nigeria, and India.

Cary Lee Peterson, president-chairman of ECCO2 Corp, comments to press, “ECCO2 has gained a significant amount of global support and recognition this year. I believe that ECCO2 can help restore confidence in Global Carbon Markets, influence a healthy trading community through CTX, and generate a plentiful inventory of carbon emission offsets as we expand into other nations. ECCO2’s motive now is to educate the environmental, clean energy, and finance industries on how ECCO2 technology and projects in conjunction with UNFCCC industry Voluntary Standards (such as VCS) can combine with CTX to potentially develop a multi-trillion dollar giant to fight global warming and enhance the global economy.”

ECCO2 Corp will attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Cancun, Mexico, from November 29 through December 10, 2010. The conference encompasses the sixteenth Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP) from over 190 different nations.

Dr. Aminu Zakari, executive director of Centre For Climate Change and Environmental Studies, an affiliate organization and admitted member of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, states, “ECCO2 is a phenomenal technology to assist climate control in every country. In some ways ECCO2 is a savior to Kyoto Protocol and this will become evident over the next few weeks and during the conference in November. This is perfect opportunity for every nation to learn about ECCO2 and join the positive movement to help the world.”

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