Green Your Business this Christmas

Most customers and suppliers have an increased awareness of the environmental impact that goods and services produce and with the introduction of the Carbon Tax, it will very soon be expected that environmental sustainability initiatives are part of core business actions for businesses of all sizes.

Achieving green credentials can be a powerful tool for your business to improve your environmental performance, enhance business efficiencies (save money) and market your differentiation.

Here are GreenBizCheck’s top five tips to help your business become more sustainable this Christmas and save some money in the process:

1)     Switch off all lights when not in use (especially at night, weekends, holidays)

2)     Turn off all IT equipment and other electrical appliances when not in use

Tip: Install remote standby by eliminators on timers (if necessary) and take the hassle out of remembering to switch everything off. The remote controlled socket is great for hard to reach wall sockets under desks or behind TVs or microwaves.   You can even attach a socket to a power board and turn off several appliances at once.

3)     Teleconference rather than make unnecessary trips

4)     Recycle everything you can – set up recycling bins at desks, in kitchens, printing areas and in  communal areas staff gather

5)     Make sure the heating and cooling are serviced regularly, turned off when not in use and set at recommended temperatures when in use. For maximum comfort, the temperature of rooms should be 24-25°C in summer and 18-20°C in winter. Additional heating or cooling results in energy and money wastage.

If you would like to know learn more ways your business can become sustainable and reduce costs, click here to visit GreenBizCheck’s website, utilise the free trial offer and/or register for the free one hour green consult.

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