NKSJ Holdings awarded ‘Bronze Class’ in RobecoSAM’s Sustainability

NKSJ Holdings, Inc has received the RobecoSAM Bronze Class distinction in RobecoSAM’s Corporate Sustainability Assessment.

Having earned the RobecoSAM Bronze Class distinction in 2013, NKSJ Holdings has been recognised for the fourth consecutive year since the company was founded in April 2010, and for the seventh consecutive year including distinctions received by its subsidiary, Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. (hereinafter “Sompo Japan”).

NKSJ Holdings will continue to play an active role in efforts to resolve social issues and contribute to the building of a sustainable society.

The Corporate Sustainability Assessment is a survey conducted by Swiss asset management advisor RobecoSAM to assess companies from the perspective of sustainability performance. It has been carried out annually since 1999.

The companies participating in the Assessment are those which were assessed for that year’s DJSI indexes*2. Their activities are assessed based on economic, environmental, and social criteria. The world’s 2,500 companies were invited to participate in the latest Assessment.

See: http://yearbook.robecosam.com/companies.html?file=files/rs_data/pdf/RobecoSAM_company_overview_2014.pdf

Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes (DJSI)

The DJSI are SRI indexes developed by RobecoSAM in 1999 in collaboration with US-based Dow Jones & Company. Based on independent surveys, publicly available information, the Dow Jones Global Indexes (DJGI; performance indexes evaluated by institutional investors considering international investments), among other sources, RobecoSAM works under the DJSI brand and selects companies across the world engaging in progressive economic, environmental, and social efforts.

NKSJ Holdings has been listed on the DJSI World for 14 consecutive years, including years when its subsidiary Sompo Japan was listed.

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